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Tommy sits at his desk. The radio softly outputs a slow love song. The bottom of a dress rests in one of Tommy's hands. The other hand holds a needle that he uses to create a floral pattern that climbs up towards the ribbon-covered bodice. Tommy hums along to the chorus of the song, not because he knows the song or finds it particularly catchy, but because his mind is elsewhere. The motions of sewing are intimately known and the music in his ears chases away the staticky silence, leaving Tommy to pull his attention away from what is smooth against his skin.

Tommy is pulled back to the present by the soft pittering of a heartbeat against the inside of his fingertips. He glances around the room, noticing a figure rising up from the floor. Tommy turns his attention back to the dress and the song as Phantasm floats into the second floor. His body stabilizes as he drops down on the carpet. He holds a cardboard box in his arms. Tommy finishes with the fourth petal of a flower as Phantasm sets the box down beside Tommy's chair. Tommy slows down his sewing to look down into the box.

He recognizes Netherite from the last two suits he made for Phantasm and Nemesis. The other material in the box is distinctly different from phantom membranes and the scales of guardians, including the elder variety. There is a black gossamer twisted into a translucent fabric. The shadows in the box seem to warp around the fabric, creating a halo of darkness around the material.

Tommy has personally never seen a shadow crawler, but he did his research when he was sketching Shadow Girl's suit. Shadow crawlers naturally manipulate shadows in a similar way to Shadow Girl, though usually with less skill and finesse. They create threads like spiders, and these threads are the perfect accompanying material to Shadow Girl's suit. It will allow her costume to completely mask her in shadows when she tries to disappear. It would also amplify her abilities and draw shadows toward her for easier access. It must have taken a meeting with the Hunters and a hefty sum of credits in order to get the threads of shadow crawlers. Tommy would be impressed if it wasn't for the delivery boy.

"What a lovely night it is, my dear tailor. You should see how lovely the moon is. She's the huntress of the ebony sky," Phantasm tells Tommy. He moves to lean against Tommy's desk, far too close for Tommy's comfort. Tommy bites the inside of his cheek, keeping entirely focused on the task in his hands. Phantasm will get bored eventually, and when that happens, he'll leave Tommy alone. "You do not get much moonlight in this abode of yours. Perhaps you should take a break. I can guarantee your safety if we go on a stroll. I will even promise to make our walk short. I won't keep you for long."

Tommy rolls his eyes. He uses his scissors to snip the thread he is now finished with. He reaches for another colored spool. He rolls it across his fingers, letting it drop into his palm. He brings it back to his other hand, unspooling some of the thread to tie around his needle. Tommy continues unwinding the thread, pushing it into dress to start on another flower's bud.

"I see. Your work is very important to you. In that case, I shall not tear you away from it. I shall, however, substitute my voice for the radio," Phantasm says, leaning back to pick up the radio. Tommy resists the urge to hiss at Phantasm as the villain turns the device off. Phantasm puts it back on the windowsill.

Tommy lifts up from his seat. He turns the radio back on. He switches the station to his favorite radio host. "-you, listeners at home. I shall pay good attention to the appearance of the new villain, as that is our discussion for the Power Hour segment. However, before we get started with that, we have some new music for everyone tuning in. I am Walter Crondale, and this is 'Low Doubts' by Disturbance? at the Dancing Place."

A song starts to play on the radio. Phantasm gives Tommy a look that the blonde pointedly ignores. Phantasm sighs with a chuckle right underneath his breath. Instead of messing with the radio again, Phantasm's fingers trail across Tommy's desk until they eventually touch the sketchbook Tommy has been using for his superpowered individual's costumes. Phantasm flips through the book, stopping when he gets to Shadow Girl's page. Phantasm nods indiscreetly at the design. He even trails his fingers along it. "This is very good, sunshine. I should really stop underestimating you. You've made three amazing suits. You've got this covered."

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