Nightwing was grateful for them as Black Bat and Spoiler had joined the superhero team. He had always wanted the girls to get their own team outside the Batfamily, to boarder their horizons. The same way the Titans had helped Nightwing, the All-Caste had aided Red Ghoul, and the Teen Titans had become a second home for Robin. However, no matter how grateful he was for their aid, they were not bats and did not belong in the Batcave. Which is why Oracle's Clock Tower served as a meeting point, where the Birds of Prey and the Batfamily exchanged information, strategies, and, at times, shared moments of levity amid the ongoing challenges.

Another group that has become unexpected but good allies for the Batfamily, it had been the Gotham Sirens. They've become more invested in vigilantism and aiding the Batfamily. Especially, during Arkham and Blackgate breakouts. Oracle's Clock Tower had served as their meeting ground as well.

Poison Ivy, in particular, felt a newfound sense of connection and appreciation for the Batfamily after witnessing their efforts to heal the city's wounds. The Batfamily's successful initiative to fix Gotham's water pollution problem and revitalize the once-toxic Slaughter Swamp resonated deeply with Poison Ivy's eco-centric values. The flourishing greenery and revitalized ecosystem in the swamp spoke to her on a profound level, prompting a decision that surprised even her closest allies. Poison Ivy decided to relinquish her green house in Robinson Park. Instead, she chose to relocate to the now-thriving Slaughter Swamp. The decision was not solely driven by practical considerations but by a desire to be surrounded by beings akin to herself. Harley Quinn, ever the unpredictable wildcard, readily joined Poison Ivy in this move. She was not leaving her girlfriend alone to be surrounded by beautiful water fairies, no sir.

Changes in behavior did not only happen with their allies, but it also happened within the Batfamily. In the dimly lit expanse of the Batcave, Batwoman adjusted the settings on her utility belt, her crimson cape flowing behind her. Beside her, Batwing meticulously examined the intricate circuitry of his latest drone prototype. The atmosphere was thick with determination, a palpable sense of purpose hanging in the air.

Batwoman glanced over at Batwing, a look of admiration in her eyes. "You know, I never thought I'd see the day when we'd be working side-by-side in the Batcave," she said, her voice tinged with emotion. "I mean for vigilantes that work for the same city, we sure took quite an individual approach. Batman sure loved keeping his kids away from the rest of us."

Batwing looked up, meeting her gaze. "Gotham's changed, Kate," he replied, using her civilian name. "We've all got to step up, especially now."

She nodded, her thoughts drifting to Nightwing and the immense burden he bore. The weight of Batman's absence was felt by all, a shadow that loomed large over them. They had all seen how tirelessly Nightwing worked, how he juggled the responsibilities of leadership while grappling with his own grief. Understanding the importance of collaboration, Batwoman and Batwing made a crucial decision. They relocated their base of operations to the Batcave, a move that solidified their commitment to working together with the other Gotham heroes. The decision to consolidate their efforts marked the beginning of a new era for the vigilantes of Gotham—a collective, cohesive force against the rising threats that plagued their city.

Batwoman, with her tactical expertise and combat skills, seamlessly integrated into the dynamic of the Batfamily. Batwing, armed with advanced technology and a commitment to justice, brought a new dimension to the team, enhancing their capabilities. Gone were the days of solo missions and fragmented pursuits. The heroes of Gotham began to operate as a true Batfamily, a concept that had been more aspirational than practical in the past. The Gotham Gazette, quick to catch wind of this paradigm shift, affectionately dubbed them "The Colony."

"And Tim..." Batwoman's voice trailed off, the concern evident in her eyes. The disappearance of Red Robin had hit them all hard, a painful reminder of their fragility.

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