Jason's face lit up, a radiant smile spreading across his features. The recognition from his mother meant the world to him, validating his hard work and dedication. "Thanks, T," he replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. "The tours have been... well, they've been something I've grown accustomed to. But this time, it feels different. Ethereal Echoes of Bly Manor is climbing, steadily, and the fanbase is growing. It's incredible to see the passion and enthusiasm of readers. It's good prep for the Netflix series. I've got a solid foundation of readers who are eager to see the story come to life on screen."

Talia nodded, her expression reflecting her genuine interest. "That's wonderful to hear," she said, her voice warm. "Your brothers, Damian and Billy how are they faring at the Nanda Parbat School for Magic?" she asked, shifting the focus to the younger members of their family.

A fond smile touched Jason's lips as he spoke about Damian and Billy. "They're doing great, Mom. Flourishing in their magical studies."

"It warms my heart to hear that they're thriving," she remarked, a hint of nostalgia coloring her voice. "The Nanda Parbat School for Magic is an excellent environment for them. And it's comforting to know they're surrounded by family at Wayne Manor in your absence."

Jason nodded, his expression reflecting a mix of pride and longing. "Yeah," he murmured, his thoughts drifting to his younger siblings. "The Batfamily has been a great support. It's reassuring to know they're in good hands."

Talia's gaze softened, a hint of maternal concern seeping through her usually stoic demeanor. "And Damian? How has he been coping with... with his father's passing?" she inquired, her voice carrying a weight of emotions that only a mother could truly understand.

Jason took a moment, setting his cup down gently as he considered his words. The topic was delicate, filled with layers of pain, adjustment, and the intricate dance of family dynamics. "It's been tough on him," Jason began, his voice laced with empathy. "Losing Bruce was... monumental. But being in Gotham, being around the Batfamily, it's been a sort of anchor for him."

He paused, reflecting on the moments he'd witnessed firsthand — Damian seeking guidance from Dick, bonding with Steph and Cass, or even sharing quiet moments with Alfred. "He's finding his own path through it, in his own way," Jason continued. "The Batfamily, they've been there for him. They understand loss, probably better than anyone else."

Talia listened intently, absorbing every word. There was a complexity to her emotions — gratitude for the support Damian had found, a lingering sorrow for the loss they all felt, and perhaps a touch of regret for the years of strife between her and the Batfamily. "You were right, you know," she finally said, her voice carrying a rare vulnerability. "About bringing them to Gotham, to your family. They needed this... connection, this sense of belonging to his father's legacy."

A small, understanding smile tugged at Jason's lips. "Family's important, umi," he replied softly, his eyes reflecting years of growth, mistakes, and the journey towards understanding what family truly meant. "We find our way, lean on each other when we need to."


In the wake of Batman's demise, the Birds of Prey recognized the need for a delicate balance between vigilance and respect. Understanding the unique challenges Gotham posed and the intricate dynamics within the Batfamily, the Justice League recognized that the Birds of Prey were the ideal bridge between the broader superhero community and Gotham's protectors. With Oracle at the helm, coordinating operations from the Clock Tower headquarters, Black Canary and Huntress divided their time between Star City and Gotham.

The decision for the Birds of Prey to periodically check on the Batfamily wasn't an imposition; it was a collaboration born out of mutual respect. Oracle, with her unparalleled intelligence and technological prowess, ensured that information flowed seamlessly between the Batfamily and the broader superhero community. While the Birds of Prey seamlessly integrated into the existing web of vigilantes, offering their expertise and assistance when needed.

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