Minutes felt like seconds as they continued their relentless dance. Zamurad, fueled by youthful energy, executed a complex sequence of attacks, each one more intricate than the last. But Katana, drawing from years of experience, anticipated his final move. With a swift twist of her wrist, she disarmed him, her blade resting gently against his neck.

Breathing heavily, they locked eyes, mutual respect evident between them. The training session had been intense, pushing both warriors to their limits. With a nod of acknowledgment, Katana lowered her blade, signaling the end of the spar.

Zamurad, though defeated, wore a proud smile. "You're still the best, Katana," he admitted, wiping the sweat from his brow.

She smiled warmly, offering him a hand to help him up. "You fought well, young warrior. With time, you'll surpass us all."

The cheers from Nightwing, Black Bat, Spoiler, and Red Ghoul echoed in the cavernous training room as Katana and Zamurad exchanged a nod of mutual respect. Nightwing, with his acrobatic flair, executed an enthusiastic backflip, landing gracefully with a thumbs-up. Black Bat clapped her gloved hands together, a smirk on her face. Spoiler, always ready with a quip, raised an imaginary scorecard, as if judging a fencing competition. Red Ghoul, who had been watching with a sense of pride, gave a hearty laugh.

As they approached the deadly duo, Nightwing draped an arm around Katana's shoulders. "Great work, Katana. You never cease to amaze us with those skills."

Katana bowed her head in acknowledgment, a humble smile playing on her lips. "The honor is mine, Nightwing. Your brother is a formidable opponent."

Meanwhile, Black Bat took Zamurad's wrist and was examining it closely. "Not bad. But next time, protect this wrist more."

Zamurad, trying to hide his discomfort, nodded. "I'll keep that in mind, akhti."

Spoiler grinned at Zamurad. "Not bad, Baby Bat! But if you want to impress Katana more, maybe throw in a few more spins. Ladies love spins."

Zamurad rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a small chuckle. Red Ghoul, taking the opportunity to tease his younger brother, ruffled Zamurad's hair. "You did well, brat. Maybe one day you'll beat me."

Zamurad shot him a playful glare. "One day, Red Ghoul."

Katana, feeling the warmth of camaraderie, addressed Nightwing, Black Bat, Spoiler, and Red Ghoul. "Your brother shows great promise. It's been an honor to train him."

Nightwing nodded appreciatively. "We're grateful for your guidance, Katana. He's lucky to have you."

As Katana gracefully made her way towards the exit, her katana securely sheathed at her side, Nightwing turned his attention to Zamurad, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Alright, Baby Bat, time for some trapeze action. Pay attention; it's all about rhythm and flow."

Zamurad, still catching his breath from the intense sword spar, nodded eagerly. Nightwing led him to the trapeze rig, the acrobatic apparatus hanging from the ceiling. The air in the training room crackled with anticipation as Nightwing demonstrated a flawless routine, swinging effortlessly from bar to bar.

Nightwing's routine began with a confident leap, his fingers wrapping around the trapeze bar with practiced ease. He swung forward, releasing at the pinnacle of his swing to execute a double backflip, catching the second bar in a flawless transition. With each swing, he added more intricate moves: twists, turns, and somersaults, all executed with the precision of a master aerialist. The finesse of his performance was evident, every movement radiating control and artistry.

"Now, Baby Bat, remember to keep your core engaged," Nightwing instructed, his voice steady despite the challenging routine he was demonstrating. "And when you're ready, take that leap. I've got you."

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