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Before my grandfather (Buck Husband) whom my brother was named after, went to prison, he was diagnosed with A.I.Ds. He ended up dying in prison early on. He's been transferred from a prison in Dallas, TX. to a prison in louisiana. That was the worst prison my mom said he's ever been to. He went from watching movies and taking Christmas pictures from the Dallas prison to being transferred to a prison that didn't even get good Healthcare. He ended up dying of pneumonia when my mom was a teenager.

Dave Husband (my great uncle) ended up living and got into a halfway house when I was in the eighth grade. People wrote letters to Dave. I always wanted to meet him. My dad used to tell me stories about him when I was little. When my dad's dad was poor. He brought them some furniture they couldn't afford at the time.

My senior year in highschool, I finally got to meet him at my graduation for the first time. I've met him a couple of times sinxe then and he's always been kind and generous. He gave me a hundred dollar bill at my graduation.

This chapter will be updated soon too but there's things going on now that I'm going to get to but a little back ground is nessary.

My Take On New York Times Operation White Tornado: Continuation Where stories live. Discover now