Chapter 12

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The plane ride is silent. Cash's hand is entwined with mine the entire flight, but his gaze doesn't leave the window. It was hard for both of us to open up about our past. And deep down, I know there is much more to Cash than he has let on. I glance at him occasionally, watching the shadows and lights of the early morning sun play over the angles on his face. I know I am doing the right thing, taking a chance on Bexley's biggest bad boy, but my heart still aches at the thought that everything I've worked so hard for could implode from this one choice to be with him.

We land in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, with my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head when the plane wheels hit the pavement. I look up at him, his bright blue eyes framed by thick, dark lashes. Staring back at me, it is hard to read the emotions swimming in his eyes. A mixture of fear, vulnerability and a twist with...could it be a hint of excitement?

I let out a tiny sigh as his hand finds the small of my back. He escorted me off the plane with a playful grin, a nice change from the sad, distant look he wore the whole flight.

"We're here." Cash grabs my hand. "Welcome to Newfoundland, Mittens. The home of yours truly." He gives me a wink and leads us toward customs. We wait for what feels like forever in the long line up, pass through customs and then head over to baggage claim. Cash wheels our luggage through the airport with a smile on his face.

When we reach the exit, we stop, and the doors open. Within seconds, I'm hit with the crisp ocean air blowing off the East Coast. "It's windy," I say, tugging my sweater tighter around my chest.

He chuckles at my discomfort. "You'll get used to it."

The mountainous landscape takes my breath away as my eyes follow the mountains rolling into the clear blue sky. To the south of us, the rooftops of buildings banked along the ocean's bay immediately catch my attention. The homes beneath them are painted in bright and bold primary colours, bringing an immediate smile to my face.

"It's beautiful," I breathe out. "I've never seen anything like it."

"You won't be disappointed. I promise." He drapes his arm around my shoulders. "But we're not headed into the city of St. John's. We're headed to Thompson, a town about thirty minutes north." As we approach the road, he places his hand on my lower back as we walk up to another limo. He guides me into the back of the limo before climbing in after me and rambling off an address to the driver.

"Is Thompson your hometown?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Sure is," he replies, grinning. "And believe me, it ain't nothing like California."


We pull into the gravel drive that leads up to a house overlooking a large inland lake. Cash explained on the ride that we were staying in the house he grew up in. He told me his dad was an American pilot who left his Mom when Cash was only three years old. His mother moved into his grandparent's home after his dad abandoned them. While working full-time, she needed extra help caring for Cash and his brother, Cory. It wasn't until both of his grandparents passed away in his early teens that his Mom inherited the home. And once she passed away, Cash inherited it.

"It's not much." He opened the limo door and hopped out before the driver could pull out our luggage. "But it's mine."

"Cash, it's fantastic," I breathe in awe as he grabs my hand and pulls me onto the covered front porch. The spectacular view overlooks a sizeable inland lake followed by miles and miles of trees. The house is perfect. It reminds me of those old barn houses you'd only see in the movies, big shutters and a wrap-around porch. "I can't wait to see the inside."

"I'm warning you. It's nothing special." He unlocks the front door and steps inside. "I didn't bring you here to impress you, Mittens, because nothing about this old barn house is impressive. I haven't changed much since my Mom passed."

Playing for Keeps - Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora