Predaking: Ow

"Sorry King (wrap cloth) Man megatron really took a beating with you for you're punishment but I'm guessing shockwave and your brothers are getting the same punishment as well"

Predaking: still remember..

"Oh yes I do actually"

[flashback to on the nemesis]

After Predaking brought me on the ship, I saw megatron himself and Starscream and all the other vehicions looking at us with confusion but then in a anger tone, megatron yelled out.

Megatron: Predaking, what is the meaning of this why bring one of the autobots pets with you?

"*growl* don't you dare talk about my princess like that"

Shockwave *face plam* oh dear

Megatron: Everyone..Bridge..NOW!!

-on the bridge-

Once eveyrone was on the brigde, megatron sat on his throne while I stood there in Predaking hand in fear.

Megatron: Mind telling me why you brought this fleshy on board and...why did you call it princess

Predaking: Because....

"I'm his girlfriend...."

Starscream: I knew something wasn't right when you attack were protecting your little human mate!

Predaking *growl*

Starscream: what should we do with them my liege

Megatron: I don't know....

"And you wouldn't hurt someone who pregnant would you"

Knockout: You're what now

Shockwave: She carrying...

Megatron: WHAT...from a human?

"No it's Techo organic..half human half cybertaion"

Starscram: Great another little beast running around

Breakdown: (blush) Aw

Knockout: My lord may I scan to see if it true of the CNA/DNA is Predaking

"(hold arm closed)"

Megatron: Why are you holding your arm?

Predaking: Sweet spark, what the matter

"I hate needles"

Knockout: Just a quick scan, no needle (scanning her) ok done...

Darksteel: What dose it says

Knockout: Well...It's positive that you're having a sparkling with Predaking

Starscream: WHAT!

Knockout: But it also said your having Twins

"Twins! (Tearing up)"

Megatron: well if there half predacons that mean they could be more powerful form my army very well Predaking you may keep the child will be your brothers and shockwave who knew about this little secret of yours

SkyLynx: How did you...

Dreadwing: Take a guess

Shockwave/SkyLynx/Darksteel: Soundwave minicon and Soundwave

Megatron: while you four stay here...knockout show our new guest to there new room

Knockout: Yes sir

The Kings Heir {Predaking x Oc!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now