Chapter 206 - Fulfilled

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"Your mother couldn't kill me. What makes you think you can?" Medrauta said as she ascended the dais where Amelia stood.

Amelia's hand tightened around the hilt of her sword with such strength that it shattered completely, pitch-black shards falling onto the ground beneath and emitting a sound reminiscent of broken glass clattering against stone.

The fragments of Amelia's destroyed sword returned to their natural form as ambient mana within seconds, only for the witch to simply create another one in her hands. In anger, she shoved the prone princess off the dais with her foot, causing Gwenhwyfar's unconscious body to fall several feet, bouncing once as she hit the ground and rolling a short distance before finally stopping.

Mere moments ago, the ritual had caused Viviane's blood to be absorbed entirely into Gwenhwyfar's body as she was drenched in it. Amelia had undone her bindings at last once every drop of blood was properly assimilated into the princess' body, allowing Gwenhwyfar to jerk upwards uncontrollably and vomit a torrent of what looked like black sludge toward the crimson orb that remained hovering in the air.

Medrauta had watched in horror as the orb consumed every drop of viscous liquid that was hurled at it. While the sphere had once resembled something like a moon, it now bore the appearance of a monstrous egg. A translucent crimson sphere, thick black threads that looked like veins wrapped around its surface, protecting the pulsing fetus within.

It was undoubtedly the "Witch Queen's dead womb" that the prophecy spoke of, yet Medrauta remained undaunted by the terrible sight hanging above her head. Even if the prophecy was destined to be fulfilled, she would shatter it with her own hands. That she swore.

It was the only thing she could do to redeem herself from her failure as a knight and avenge Viviane.

Medrauta leapt toward Amelia, ascending the dais in a single bound as she swung her sword in a vicious downward stroke that sought to cleave Amelia in half. Against any other opponent, they would have been hard-pressed to parry or even block it, but Amelia simply swatted Medrauta aside as if she were no more than a mere insect.

Without the power of Viviane's Crest enhancing her physical abilities or activating her Oath, Medrauta was nothing compared to Amelia's thoroughly heightened strength thanks to the corrupted mana coursing through her body. She stepped down from the dais, only giving Medrauta part of her attention as she kept an eye on the gestating embryo above.

"I thought this would be a lot more exciting, you know?" Amelia said, walking toward Medrauta. The silver-haired knight had been thrown through the air as a result of Amelia's parry, causing her to fall flat on the ground. "The last Paladin versus the last witch. It's a shame you're about to die so easily without even a chance of using your Oath."

Medrauta pushed herself up just in time to parry Amelia's downward strike, the force causing her to slide back significantly. Her sword vibrated violently in her hands, and a large chip now formed in the blade. Without the power of the Lake being channeled through the steel, it had little hope of holding up against the powerful strikes issued by the witch.

Just a little longer... Medrauta thought. Based on Amelia's latest words, her decision to hold off on using her Oath for as long as possible was paying off. Though Amelia seemed to be aware of the general conditions surrounding her mother's death, the specifics had clearly been lost to her. So long as she continued to keep the true nature of her Oath hidden, Medrauta figured she would be able to turn the tables when it mattered.

Above them, the crimson embryo throbbed, its pulsating motions beginning to grow more and more rapid with each passing second. Its thick black veins pumped foul fluids through the interior structure, filling the once translucent sphere with an obsidian flood. The fetus within became engorged, causing the embryo to bulge unnaturally.

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