15. An Invitation

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E: Mom, please call him Charles.

I don't want him to be even more famous with this being to formal. I'm having plans tonight. Big plans.

QS: Charles.

She smiles. We go inside to the dining room, where my dad is waiting. I can hear my family talking infront of us.

Simon: Told you, she's in love, mom.

QS: I know.

I try not to giggle. Charles is nervously walking next to me checking out the palace as he was never inside before except at the royal dinner in the royal hall. My dad is waiting on his seat.

KG: Hello Mr. Leclerc, thank you for following my invitation.

C: Thank you, your majesty.

He neck bows. We all sit down and Charles stays next to me. They start to get to know each other as they bring some food inside.

KG: What happened to my daughter was awful. I can't apologize to her that we didn't notice that before. This shouldn't have happened anyways. I want to thank you for saving my daughter.

C: My pleasure. Nobody should treat Elisabeth like this.

He looks over to me. I blush seeing that smile. I take his hand under the table so nobody sees it.

E: I want to thank you too. I wouldn't be brave enough to tell anyone about it if it wasn't you.

KG: So I heard you've met a couple of times while Elisabeth was engaged?

Charles looks shocked to me. I give him a sorry smile. I told dad everything. I wanted him to know about Charles. What he did to me and how he was always there for me. He's my safe place.



Charles leave the room but I try to stop him.

E: Can't he stay? Please.

S: Not now, Betty.

Simon walks over to my bed, sitting on the other side while my mom is still next to me.

E: I need him more than anyone right now.

S: I know.

He gives me a kiss on my forehead. My mom gets confused, looking between us.

QS: Would someone like to tell me what's going on?

S: Charles and Elisabeth met at the royal dinner and met a couple of times since that. They're secretly dating.

E: Wait, how do you-

S: Did you really think I would believe your sleepovers?

He winks with a smile as he sees my jaw dropped. He never said something. He kept this as a secret for me?

S: I asked Ryan to have an eye on me for you.

E: What?

Ryan walks into the room in that moment.

E: Ryan!

R: Sorry, your highness. I couldn't say anything. U had to help you in this.

The three of us laugh. I can't believe they did this. My mom followed our conversation and didn't get mad about it.

QS: So is this something serious between you and him?

S: She loves him.

I hit Simon against his arm. I blush.

E: I don't. He's just very handsome.

QS: Let's not tell your dad yet. He will be mad with the both of you. I'll talk to him about it.

She gives us a serious look as my dad walks into the hospital room.

KG: The police arrested him. Why didn't you say anything, Elisabeth?

E: You wouldn't believe me, dad. He was the best man in your eyes.

KG: I'm sorry I gave you the feeling you can't trust me. You can always come to me, my dear. Let's go home now.


I see Charles scared and overwhelmed glance so I squeeze his hand to tell him it's fine to say the truth.

C: Yes, we met a couple of times.

KG: Elisabeth also told me, that she really likes you. How do you feel about her?

I roll my eyes to me. That's my dad always making a show out of everything. Following the royal protocol strictly. I feel how Charles hand gets sweaty. He feels overwhelmed, not knowing how to act and what to say. He wants to make it right. That's cute. He's cute.

E: Dad, please.

KQ: I hear.

He ignores me. Charles squeezes my hand under the table and turn to me. He smiles.

C: My heart is all hers.

He looks into my eyes before turning back to
my dad. He did? What did he just say? His heart belongs to me? Oh. my. god. Wow. My jaw dropped. I never expecting this even tho I wished for it. I just didn't imagine he would say that infront of my dad.

E: Cha..

I put my hand on my heart and feel happy tears are filling my eyes. This was the cutest thing ever. But it wouldn't be my family if anyone wouldn't destroy this moment.

S: There will be a lot of pressure out there, if you want to be with my little sister. Especially after what happened, the pressure will be even more. All eyes are gonna be on you. Do you think you could take this?

Seriously Simon? Can't you just let us be happy? Finally? Don't give dad even more reason to not let us be.

C: I would do anything for Elisabeth. I know I'm not royal in any way, but I know the media. I can handle it.

My dad looks to Simon, who nods to him. My dad puts a smile on his face. I get suspicious. What's happening?

KG: If you wanna be together, you can.

E: Wait? Really? You're serious?

I don't want to be happy to early. There has to be something else.

KG: Yes, my dear.

I stand up and walk over to him to give him a little hug. I can't be happier. He gives me a kiss on my forehead.

KG: I don't wanna make the same mistake twice.

E: Thank you dad, i love you.

PRINCESS [Charles Leclerc] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz