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"Wake up Solar paw." You heard Mammoth star say firmly as you got to your feet slowly and yawned. "We're going on a patrol and if everything goes according to plan then I can teach you how to hunt after." Mammoth star said as you started stretching and as soon as you stopped stretching Mammoth star lead you to where the rest of the patrol was waiting. Mammoth star took the lead of the patrol and you just kinda followed them but Mammoth star stopped after getting to the ravine. "Smoke tuft asked us to patrol the Half creek right?" Mammoth star asked and a calico cat nodded. "Thanks Echo gaze." Mammoth star said taking the lead you followed behind Mammoth star noticing they were leading you over to the creek that you had saw earlier. Hawk wish was also in the patrol and was walking behind Echo gaze which wasn't a surprise that they were in the patrol. Once you guys got to the creek Mammoth star started walking along the edge until you heard a concerned hiss by Hawk wish "Mammoth star, Solar paw get back!" Hawk wish hissed however not threateningly. You noticed why quickly as a cat with around four wolves looked at you from the Vertex clan territory. The cat was a large mostly white cat however with green spots-how does a cat have green spots? One wolf growled making you immediately inch back and so did Mammoth star but Mammoth star stayed in front of the rest of the patrol so they didn't go to far back. "You see..this is Poison clan territory now." The white cat with green spots said to you and Mammoth star hissed "That's Vertex clan territory what your standing on Poison Devil! And if you think for a minute we're giving up the creek you better think again mouse brain!" Mammoth star hissed sounding aggressive. Poison devil quickly snapped back "We have claimed Vertex clan's side of the creek. Your side is next!" Poison devil hissed flicking there tail as a signal to attack. Mammoth star quickly yelled an order "Attack!" Mammoth star yowled to you Echo gaze and Hawk wish. You froze in fear for a moment as you watched Poison devil and Mammoth star start attacking each other with bites and claws. Your attention was quickly drawn to the fact Echo gaze was aggressively fighting against a dark gray wolf the wolf bringing deep injuries into Echo gaze but Echo gaze fought fiercely disregarding the injuries. Before you could react or unfreeze you noticed a black wolf with a few white spots had leaped at you however Hawk wish sent it barreling to the ground. You unfroze as Hawk wish started to give you a demand however was cut off by another wolf however this time white had jumped at Hawk wish. "Go get he-!" You watched as Hawk wish struggled against the wolf as it landed onto Hawk wish. You unfroze as you noticed the black wolf with white spots charging towards you. You reacted instinctively as a spark of anger rushed through your body slightly overpowering your fear. You moved as quickly as you could to it's side still reacting instinctively as it ran past you you dug your claws into its side bringing a large injury across its side. It quickly tried turning back to snap at you but as soon as you saw it's jaws coming to bite you you clawed at its eyes making it pull back. You hissed aggressively "Get back!" You hissed your anger overpowering your fear. You noticed Echo gaze seemed to be winning there battle with the gray wolf against all odds. You quickly looked back at the wolf that was growling at you aggressively you however didn't back down and hissed at it arching your back slightly. You may not know how to fight exactly yet but you could try your best to. The wolf went to claw at your face but you moved out of the way as quickly as you could. You noticed Mammoth star was losing there battle with Poison devil. You looked at a tree that was close by. You knew this could be your death but you had to try. You quickly turned around sprinting towards the tree you noticed the wolf had tried biting your tail however had just barely missed from the wind or whatever you felt from it. You quickly jumped onto a tree branch and ran across it and leaped down at poison devil. You tried your best to land on Poison devil but as soon as poison devil jumped off of mammoth star you fell off. Poison devil went to bite you however Mammoth star clawed his before he could get the chance. Poison devil backed away slightly but just then you felt a large pain in your tail and you whipped your head around instinctively clawing at the wolf that had bit you. Mammoth star kept there eyes on Poison devil and you kept your eyes on the wolf. You however watched as one of the wolves retreated. That was the wolf that Echo gaze had been fighting! You saw Echo gaze quickly go to help Hawk wish with the wolf they were fighting. You brought your attention back to the wolf and you hissed again. "Get out of our territory!" You hissed at the wolf you noticed you seemed to have angered it as it brought it swiftly clawed your face. You hadn't had enough time to react so you felt the pain surge in your head and you felt the blood start dripping. You shook your head trying to get the blood away from your eyes as you had to dig your claws into the ground to not leap at the wolf. You heard the wolf Hawk wish and Echo gaze were fighting retreat. Poison devil seemed angry and frustrated but hissed a command to the wolf you were facing. "Retreat!" Poison devil hissed backing onto the vertex-poison clan territory. After a few moments that felt like forever Mammoth star let out a relieved sigh. "We need to get back to the camp." Mammoth star spoke

You were in the medicine den. Your wounds had been tended to and now Thorn watcher was tending to Mammoth star and Snake paw was tending to Echo gaze. Hawk wish had already been tended to like you. You had been told to stay for the rest of the day/night so tomorrow they could see if your wounds still hurt as much as they did now. You sighed laying down in the nest still having aching pains. You tried your best to drown out the voices of the others cats as you tried your best to fall asleep. You regretted slightly not fighting better but you heard Mammoth star say something silently to Hawk wish. "Should I start giving them fighting lessons?" Mammoth star said silently in a whisper to Hawk wish then Hawk wish spoke. "You didn't start fighting lessons with them? They fought surprisingly well then but I say-" you heard Hawk wish responding to Mammoth star but you quickly drowned out there voices not wanting to hear the interaction. After a few moments that felt like an eternity you were able to fall asleep despite the pains from your injuries.

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