Começar do início

AKI: *Chuckle* "You call me the Babyboy, yet you're choosing the less mature drink."

MIA: "Hey! Cocoa is timeless, you don't just grow out of a cocoa phase, okay!"

AKI: "We can get cocoa too, it's just that cocoa will make us sleepy. Coffee is what will perk us-"

 Coffee is what will perk us-"

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ODA: "..."

AKI: "?!"

Locking eyes with...that monster again, I was caught in a trance... It was as if every muscle in my body went limp and I lost my grip on the jar of instant coffee, sending it to the ground.

MIA: "Whoa!" *CATCH*

AKI: "..."

MIA: "What's wrong with you, Babyboy?! You know we've gotta pay for this, right?"

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MIA: "What's wrong with you, Babyboy?! You know we've gotta pay for this, right?"

I blinked twice, but nobody was there. It was all my imagination... My mind playing tricks on me...


AKI: "Oh, sorry about that. Guess my palms were sweaty or something."

MIA: "Ew."

AKI: "Yeah, too much information."




We stocked up on the necessary items we'll need to get us through the 48 hour period. And...probably beyond that because we bought a little too much.

Guess that's what happens when you're with three gamers buying junk food.

AKI: "This is going to end up being a lot to carry. Let's get it all to the broadcasting room as quickly as we can."


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Love Live!: SHATTER [PART 9]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora