Fluffy First Times

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it could be a heirarchy system."

"Woah... this school is definitely not a simple one. Aaahh, why is this so complex?"

At this point, Sumire was grabbing her hair with her free hand. In the meantime, I was watching my tool flourish and it was beautiful.

"Wait wait wait... Kiyo-chan... I just thought of something crazy. If our behavior and exam scores is what determines our points, and they can go up and down, then what if we get really really good scores on our exams and be on our best behavior and get many points, while class C does not do that, because they haven't figured out the S-system yet, and we get more points than them, does that mean that we can become class C? Woahhh..."

Her eyes were wide and astonished. She looked amazed at her own discoveries.

"Seems legit, Sumire."

"I know, right? But there is still something missing. How are they going to determine which class has the most points? Because no matter how many points we earn, we are still going to buy things. There must be something else, but what? Could there be some sort of points that we cannot use individually? Oh yeah! Like some sort of collective points, Kiyo-chan! Then with that, they can determine which class has the most points! And they can move the classes around. Wooww, this system is so complex, Kiyo-chan."

There were still some things that she hadn't figured out yet, but it was still very impressive. Definitely going to become my number 1 tool.

"Wow~ Sumire. You're so smart. I am really impressed."

I really am.

"Ehh? Umm... well... thank you, Kiyo-chan. Hahaha... ahhhhh, you're making me embarrassed."

She hid her red face behind her hands. Why is so shy? It's like she's never been complimented before.

"But you really are smart, Sumire. You figured out so much with only a few clues. It's like you were a detective just now."

She started jumping up and down.

"Stopp iiitttt, Kiyo-channn!"

I was amused by her reaction.

"Waahh~ you really are improving at an astonishing rate, Kiyo-chan. Now, you have learned to tease me."

I felt that teasing her was fun. Her reactions amused me. An amusing tool. Nice.

"Well, are you going to tell the class about it?"

"Definitely. What if our class behaved badly and got all of our points deducted? Then we'll have to live here on free food. And Kiyo-chan, ice cream does not come into the free items."

"You're right, Sumire. We definitely have to tell this to the class."


She nodded with determination.

We reached the dorms.

"Kiyo-chan, I'll quickly go to my room, check it out, and then run back to yours. Okay?"



"Why?! Of course it's to decide how we are going to decorate our rooms and what we need to buy next!"


"Ohh, I almost forgot, Kiyo-chan. I'll give you my number. I am sorry I forgot about it."

"It's fine."

She gave me her number. I looked at it. I had just gotten a girl's number for the first time. And I really liked the fact that it's Sumire's.

After the first floor receptionist gave us our card keys for the room 401 and 720, with an instruction manual, we got on the elevator. While flipping through the manual, I saw the time and day for the garbage disposal and a warning to not make too much noise. It also said not to waste water and electricity as much as possible.

"They don't actually have limits on gas and electricity usage, huh..."

I thought that they would subtract from our points automatically.

"Hey, Kiyo-chan. It says here not to make too much noise, but what if I played a song that is everyone's favorite, on full blast, and everyone got excited because of it, and the whole dorm started jamming to it, making a whole lot of noise, do you think they are going to punish everyone?"

As she said this, she looked at me with an expression filled with anticipation, like she wanted me to praise her for her joke. Aah~ how amusing my tool is.

I patted her head. She looked really happy at this.

Hmm... maybe I can bribe her with headpats in the future.

The elevator opened up on the 4th floor and I got off. I turned back to Sumire.

"Don't forget that I'll be coming to your room in a few minutes!"


The doors of the elevator closed and I started to walk to my dorm. I had to get there quickly and check out the room. After all, I had a guest to receive.

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