Guy1: Seventeen you are up next!

Seungcheol: Ok

// They guy went, "Seventeen" went up the stage and started with their songs, the crowd enjoyed their songs very much, after they were done, the fest announced the result, and Seventeen won, they were happy too, after all this, "Seventeen" were roaming around having food from the stalls with their respective boyfriends //

// Joshua and Dokyeom were enjoying their time together //

Joshua: Dokyeom-ah, I will go to that stall, come there after you are done *He said while pointing to some stall*

Dokyeom: Ok hyung

// Joshua left from there, he went to that stall, that's when a guy approached him //

Guy: Umm........ Joshua, right?

Joshua: Yes

Guy: Actually, there is someone who is looking for you

Joshua: Who is it? *Confused*

Guy: I don't know

Joshua: Ok, I will go there once my boyfriend is back

Guy: No, they are looking for you urgently, go there quickly

Joshua: O....Ok, but where?

Guy: To the parking lot

// Joshua went to the parking lot, he found no one, he was about to go back but someone came from behind and put a cloth on his face which caused Joshua to pass out //

// Dokyeom went to that stall where Joshua wanted to go, but he couldn't find him there, he looked around but couldn't fine him, he looked around the campus and found Joshua's phone in the parking lot, he immediately called The8 //

*On the call*

The8: Hello? Dokyeom-ah what happened?

Dokyeom: Minghao, I think someone kidnapped Shua hyung

The8: WHAT?! Ok, where are you I will bring Mingyu with me

Dokyeom: Parking lot

// He said and ended the call, soon The8 and Mingyu came towards him and said //

Dokyeom: I found his phone lying on the ground

The8: Did anyone call you yet?

Dokyeom: No

Mingyu: How are we going to find him?

// That's when Dokyeom got a call //

The8: It must be the guy, put it on speaker

// Dokyeom answered the call //

Dokyeom: Hello?

??: Lee Seok Min!

Dokyeom: Seo Jun?

Seo Jun: You remember me? I am so touched

Dokyeom: Fucker you have Shua Hyung right?

Seo Jun: Oh, are you talking about my ex who I want back?

Dokyeom: Your ex?

Seo Jun: Well, I think you didn't recognise me that day, you punched me in the face at the beach

Dokyeom: Ha Jun?

Seo Jun: Finally, recognised me, well you must agree with me that your boyfriend is sexy that anyone would want him

A trip with my Junior | SeoksooHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin