Part 6

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Joshua: Hey guys! *Waved at them*

Hoshi: Hi Hyung!

Woozi: Where is Dokyeom? Isn't he coming with you?

Wonwoo: Dokyeom, Mingyu and The8 said that they will drive, they won't come by bus

Jeonghan: Why is that so?

Joshua: Don't know!

Seungcheol: Ok, then come let's get in the bus!

// That's when Dokyeom, Mingyu and The8 came towards them, Mingyu went and pecked his boyfriend's lips while other controlled their smiles and looked at each other //

Seungcheol: Wonwoo, Dokyeom and The8 why don't you guys come with us?

Dokyeom: No, it's fine hyung, I just want to go by my car

// Actually, Dokyeom, Mingyu and The8 have some mafia work in Busan, so they are going in their car so if they have to go, they can use their car anytime //

Joshua: Ok then, guys let's go, now!

// He said and everyone sat in the bus, while Dokyeom, Mingyu and The8 sat in the car and followed the bus //

*Time Skips*

// The bus suddenly stopped, Dokyeom, Mingyu and The8 too stopped the car, they were in front of a small restaurant, Dokyeom, Mingyu and The8 got down from their car, they saw Joshua getting down the bus while Jeonghan was holding him, he didn't look great, the three of them went towards him and hear their senior saying //

Haneul: Joshua, are you alright? *He asked Joshua who didn't looking great*

Joshua: I don't think so

Haneul: Guys, whoever wants to use the washroom, please go ahead, we will be stopping here for 10 minutes

// He said and few people got down, Seungcheol, Wonwoo, Hoshi, Woozi and Jun too got down //

Dokyeom: Hyung, what happened to Shua hyung?

Jeonghan: He got car sick

Seungcheol: Here Shua, your medicine!

// He passed the medicine to Joshua, he ate the medicine and said //

Joshua: Thank you, guys, I will be fine in few minutes

Haneul: Joshua, do you want to go by a car, or something?

Joshua: But where will I find one?

Dokyeom: Come in my car! *He offered*

Hoshi: Oh, ya we forgot Dokyeom got his car

Joshua: No, it's fine I am fine now

// After sometime, Joshua finally agreed to go in the car with Dokyeom, Mingyu sat in the driving seat, The8 in the front seat while Dokyeom and Joshua at the back //

// They started the car and followed the bus, Joshua was asleep, due to bad road, his head kept hitting the window, Dokyeom noticed it and kept Joshua's head on his lap, and turned the ac towards him //

Mingyu: I have never seen this side of yours

The8: You really love Joshua Hyung a lot

Dokyeom: I really do love him *Smile appears on his face as he looked at Joshua who was sleeping peacefully*

The8: Mingyu, did you say Wonwoo hyung about you being mafia?

Mingyu: *Sigh* Not yet, and I don't want to tell him that, what if he leaves me?

// Soon they reached Busan, Mingyu stopped the car, and got down along with The8 to get down their things from the trunk, while Dokyeom and Joshua still were in the car, Dokyeom softly said Joshua //

Dokyeom: Hyung, we are here, get up!

// He said and Joshua opened his eyes and saw he was sleeping on Dokyeom's lap he immediately got up and said //

Joshua: Oh, I am sorry

Dokyeom: No, it's fine, how do you feel now?

Joshua: Much better, thank you

A trip with my Junior | SeoksooOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz