"You're the guy jeongin is sleeping with?" He asked plainly. I paused, suddenly remembering where I had heard his voice before.

"Oh you're.... Minho?" I asked. He nodded, shrugging his shoulder.
"I'm going to go get another nurse." I said coldly, heading for the door.

"What? Why, I wasn't done talking to you, you were right in the middle of stitching me up." He complained.

"No that's ok, I don't think I can do my job professionally with such a disrespectful patient." I said as I opened the door and walked out.

"Excuse me, what the fuck are you even talking about?"

"Your treatment of jeongin." I said, turning back around. "His view of himself is completely degrading, do you think calling him a slut helps that?" I snapped.

"I never called him a slut-"

"Yes but you clearly believe it, or at least you want him to believe it." I argued. "do you know he allowed someone to sexually assault him because he didn't have the self value to stop it?" I asked angrily.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, the irritation in his expression slightly wavering, an almost concerned look seeping through.

"Just a bunch of stuff you weren't around for." I scolded. "How can you claim to be someone's friend when you don't even know what's going on in his life?" I asked bitterly.

Minho fitgited in his chair, turning away from me as if embarrassed. "Just keep stitching me up, would you." He mumbled.

"Wow, you really have no shame do you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I acted like a prick! Is that better?" He asked. "I love jeongin more than you could in a hundred years, maybe if you knew him half as much I do you could understand why I acted that way." He snapped.

"What the hell is that even supposed to mean!?"

"Jeongin wouldn't know a good relationship if it proposed to him, it's not my fault I wanted to protect him." He said.

"You don't even know me.." I quietly scoffed.

"Yeah... maybe you're right, but i knew every other guy jeongin was with, did he ever tell you about hyunjin? Or maybe..... Kazme, I bet he never told you about him?" He asked teasingly.

"I don't care about Jeongin's history, I love him right now." I said sterling. Minho scoffed shacking his head.

"Well you should cuz i promise you jeongin doesn't love you, he's still in love with Kazme, I mean really it's just too obvious, in fact you look just like him, same eyes, same brunette hair, you almost talk like him-

"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about." I cut him off, reopening the door and walking out.

I'm too tired to deal with this right now, I have plenty of hours left and I'm not trying to spend it listening to someone who hurts Jeongin..

I went down the hall and got another nurse, taking my lunch break as I tried to forget what minho said. He's probably lying, he just doesn't want to admit he's a shit friend..

After a couple hours I couldn't help my curiosity any longer. Kezme? If anything it sounds made up, doesn't even sound Korean...

How could jeongin still be in love with someone else..... he's never acted like it....he always gives me his full attention...

He loves me..

I walked back down to the room , surprised as I heard a string of dramatic crys coming from behind the door.


I slowly turned into the room, instantly noticing a small blonde crying dramatically alongside Minho's bed, minho patted the boy's back, quietly shushing him.

"Calm down Lixie, it's really not that bad, they got me all fixed up already, I promise I don't feel any pain." He assured him.

"Oh Mr Kim." The nurse working in the room noticed me, causing minho to turn his head in my direction, giving me an emotionless expression, before turning back to who I now am quite sure, is Felix.

"Yes, sorry Im back, may I have a moment with the patients?" I asked, she nodded and grabbed her clip board, leaving the room.

Felix finally slowed his cries, only letting out soft sniffles as he noticed me as well.

"Minho...can I talk to you?" I asked.

"What is it?"

"I- I just wanted to say that....I'd like you to apologize to jeongin soon, I don't care why you acted that way but....he deserves an apology.."

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