"W-What are you doing? Stay away from me you f-filthy mud blood!" I shouted at her as I pushed her back.

"Why are you overreacting? There was something on your hair. Perhaps a spider." She pointed at the top of my hair.

"Ahh! Get it off me!" I shook my head as hard as I could. Running around the common room making a circle.

"Gotcha." She smiled. So annoying.

"I hate you so much." I complained as I walked out the Slytherin common room leaving her.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Y/n's Perspective

Soon after Malfoy left, I also left for breakfast. When I got there, I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting at the Gryffindor table. I waved at them and they all waved back.

"Y/n! You're finally here." Pansy called for me, signing me to sit down next to her.

"Pansy!" I sat down next to her and noticed Draco Malfoy sitting in front of me, making the most irritating face ever. I ignore and turned to Pansy.

"Why did you leave so early in the morning today?" Pansy asked.

"Sorry I was in the common room chilling." I answered her as I stuffed some food in my mouth. I could feel Malfoy's eyes on me.

"You're so diligent. I could never." Pansy also stuffed her mouth with food chatting. After a while, it was time for classes and we finished breakfast and started to walk to our class together.

"Do you want one?" She asked me as she handed me a gum. "What's your first class?" Pansy asks.

"I'm Potion with Professor Snape." I answered her as I put the gum in my mouth as I started chewing it. It was grape flavored gum, the smell hit my nose strongly. Not that I didn't like it.

"Oh I'm in Charms class with Professor Flitwick. Good luck on the first day!" She waved her hand and started walking in the opposite direction.

"Bye!" I waved back as I walked into the Potion classroom. I quickly scanned the room and noticed Malfoy sitting in the front watching me as I walked in.

"Hey! Granger!" He whisper-shouted at me as he signaled with his hand to sit down. I sat down in front of him as Professor Snape started to teach his class.

"Today, we are going to learn about Amortentia with our partners. Now get into groups of 2 and start making potions." Professor Snape told the whole class in a very calm voice and everyone started to get in groups. I looked around but Hermione was with Ron and Harry was with some other girl.

"Agh, what am I supposed to do?" I whisper to myself.

"You're supposed to be partners with me." I turned around and saw Malfoy smiling at me. "What are you looking at? Let's start."

"Fine." I sigh and sit next to Malfoy since I have no choice. We start making the Amortentia Potion as I put in ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstone, and pearl dust looking at the ingredient sheet. Malfoy does the finishing touches to the potions as he puts in the rose petals.

"Do you know what potion is Amortentia?" Malfoy asks, stirring the potion and mixing it.

"I'm not very sure. What is it?" I ask back.

"Nothing. Just try smelling it." I bring my nose closer to the potion inhaling deeply to smell it just like he asked me to.

"It smells like.." I tell him as I breathe into the potion. "It's really faint but I smell mint, cologne, and... I'm not sure. Maybe an apple?"

"I thought you hated me..." Malfoy whispers.

"Yeah, and I do hate you. We're enemies." I whisper back.

"Yeah sure." He whispers back again as he laughs with a grin on his face. What was the problem with him? So annoying.

"Isn't it me that you smelled?" He asks again. I could feel the grin on his face getting bigger into a wide smile.

"Maybe, it kinda does smell like you." I responded to him. "What did you smell?"

"Hmm... I smell..." He lowers his head towards the potion to smell it. "Rose, grapes, and fresh air."

Wait- I think he smelled me. The rose cologne that I sprayed in the morning, the grape gum that I am chewing, and how I like to take a walk outside feeling the fresh air. That's definitely me. I thought for a second.

Maybe I am just overthinking. Rose perfumes are really common and Pansy might have given the gum to other kids as well. And everyone likes to take a walk feeling the fresh air.

Malfoy suddenly lowers his body closer to me, making me lean backwards trying to get farther away from him. Our faces were only an inch away as I avoided eye contact. He grabbed my face and turned it, making me gaze into his gray eyes. We held eye-contact for a few moments and I broke the eye-contact, looking to the side. Malfoy broke the silence between us.

"Look at me, Y/n."

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