Another day

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As Alli gets off the bus she still ponders on that letter she got last night. She thinks it is pretty strange and who was that man. The letter had specified instructions on where she was supposed to be Friday night. She didn't wanna go but she was semi curious on what in the world it meant. She already decided she wasn't gonna tell her best friends at all. She thought it would be smart to just leave the situation alone and forgot about the letter all together. She kept the letter with her in her pocket but that meant nothing . It was just a better hiding place than her dresser drawers where her brother could find it and start something she didn't want to deal with when she got home. He always blew everything out of proportion and loved to get her into trouble. She decided to go through with asking her best friend Blossom if she could just stay at her house Friday night. She moves along to the locker and searches for her note book that she needs for first period World History. Clay comes up and side hugs her and asks if she was still up for Saturday. Of course she was why wouldn't she be he bugged her so much but she adored him even more as a friend and even maybe more. But he obviously couldn't get her flirting since like 8th grade . Thinking she should just give up of course at the right time like always Blossom comes up besides them and cheerfully hugs them both then pushes them out of the way so she can grab her books from the locker. As if she wasn't rude enough she asks what they were talking about and if she could join along in the conversation. Alli just shyly shakes her and moves along down the hall to the bathroom to check her hair and makeup like every other morning. Blossom notices she's gone and races after her like a lost puppy . Alli turns to her while in front of the mirror and asks about Friday night . Blossom sounded just fine with the idea of Alli coming over to her house. Alli thought it was just a little bit weird that the location she was supposed to be according to that letter was only a street away from Blossoms home . She was thinking if she went over to Blossoms house maybe she could scope out the location, but then she would have to let her best friend on into the secret and she maybe was ready for all that since she just got this mysterious letter. She hears the bell ring and dodged off to her first class.

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