The Beginning

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"ALLI HEY ALLI" Alli wakes up to her best friend of all time screaming in her ear. She peers around the room only to realize she was sleeping in class yet again and all the students are shuffling out the door. " Hey Brat time to wake up and go to Geometry " as Blossom makes an ugly face like she just ate a lemon. Alli jumps up and simply walks out the door onto her next class. She plops down next to her other best friend Clay who she may or may not like. But she pushes that thought aside and reminds herself that she is in the last period of the day. Just an hour and a half to go of her most dreaded subject. The time passes by fairly quicker than she thought it would by the time she knew it the last bell had rung. She races out of class right behind Clay just so she can talk to him for at least a split second. He turns to her and exclaims "Hey Alli what are you doing this weekend " ? She thinks to herself that was obviously the lamest question ever. Wondering why he just didn't ask her out or something like that but that'd be too much to ask for. She hides the though and just smiles at him and replys " I'd really like to go to that new movie everyone is ranting and raving about " . Then she throws in " but I wanna go with only my closest friends " . Clay quickly jumps up to say that him and her should go then suddenly volunteers Blossom to tag along . Just as he says that Blossom pops up beside them and slams the locker all three of them have shared since freshman year and yells " I'm doing what with who this weekend " ?!? " OOHH and I forgot the where part too " she slyly says as she peers at them both. Blossoms personality is nothing like her name she is the exact opposite. She's Loud, obnoxious , and snarky but lovable and a very loyal friend though all the hardships you'll ever have just don't stab her in the back. Alli and Clay laugh as they explain that they are all gonna go to that new movie on Saturday. Blossom just nods as in agreement then stomps off to bus 365 a very old bus actually the only old bus stilled used at Everest High all the other buses were upgraded to the new technical ones they have with AC and a radio. Then Alli and Clay wave goodbye and part ways off to their buses. It was always hard having 3 best friends and they each live in three different corners of their town.

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