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This first week of university was pretty calm. The class started to open up to each other more and Mun interacted with very interesting people.

Though Hana really seriously didn't talk to him once. Not even one single word to him.
It's not that Mun cared much, because he knew that one way or another, they'd be forced to have some kind of exchange.

Although Hana wasn't verbal with him at all, he could nearly always feel her eyes on him. But when he turned to stare back, she'd turn away or just frown at him.

Hye and Aubrey were probably the most uncomfortable in this situation. The four students became a friend group nearly straight away, but the siblings knew something was off with the two others.


It was Friday morning and the students just entered the music room. There was a big piano, some guitars and ukuleles, a bass, trumpets, violins, cellos,... the list goes on. Everyone was surprised by how much budget was put into this class.

The four friends sat down together near the front of the class. Hye purposefully forced Hana and Mun to sit next to eachother.

Hana accidentally dropped her pen and when she was about to get it, Mun leaned over and gave it to her with a small forced smile.

"Damn, he's quick," she thought as she realized he could only react this fast if he was already paying attention to her before.

Hana took the pen and lightly bowed to be polite and not make the situation worse.

The teacher walked in moments later. He was a young looking man with a big smile. Hana thought she might have seen him somewhere before, but she didn't take any more interest into him.

"Hello students," he waved to get their attention, "I'm Mr Park."

He stopped, then added "well, since I'm only a few years older than you, I'll let you all call me Dohwi."

Mun felt a small pain in his stomach after hearing that name. "It's weird," he thought, "it's as if I knew a Dohwi before."

Aubrey lifted her hand up, Dohwi nodded to tell her she could speak.
"Can you play all these?" She asked, pointing at the variety of instruments in the room.

Dohwi giggled. "Well, since highschool I've always been a fan of music, especially piano. But no, I can't perfectly play all of them."

"I bet it's because of a girl that he started playing," Mun mumbled.
He must've said that a little too loud because Dohwi heard his comment.

"Well, no, I didn't start because of a girl. One day I was so bored of my classmates always talking about girls that I went to try out the class's piano, and it was as if I've been playing it my whole life!"
The teacher turned back to face the whole class.

"Before we start, Mr Myung has something to say to you guys."

The other teacher entered the class and bowed. "Hello students, I'm unfortunately seeing you guys before Monday," he sighed ironically.

"I'm here to congratulate you guys on how well you did on the photography exercise."

Dohwi started to clap and the students followed. As the noise died down, Mr Myung continued.

"I promised a winner, though."

The class patiently waited in silence.

"... And that will be revealed on Monday."

The sentence was followed by a very big amount of loud complaints. Hana scoffed and Mun cringed. "He can't do that to us... Poor Mr Park has to teach a very dissatisfied class now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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