Part 10

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     You watched from the second floor as the velociraptor made its way into the dining area. Safe from the animal's keen vision, you still made sure to keep low due to the second floor overlooking the lobby. Once you were sure the raptor wouldn't notice you, you slowly descended the stairs, desperate to send any kind of sign to Lex and Tim.

     Reaching the dining area, you quickly realized that the kids were nowhere to be found. You heard the creak of a metal door, and your heart dropped when you saw a scaly tail disappear behind the swinging door.

"No!" You hissed through gritted teeth. You had one job, and things were going in a dangerous direction. Scanning the area for anything that might be useful, you located a long sticker fastened to the wall. It looked like a taser, so you grabbed it and hesitantly pressed the red button on the handle. A sudden zap and spark of light came from the end, and you felt a little better.

     You quickly ran back to the door of the kitchen and repeatedly hit the taser against the door, wincing at the loud sounds. An unearthly shriek sounded from the other side of the door, so you knew you had the raptor's attention. Peering through the circular window, you were met with the creature staring straight at you. You gasped when you saw another one in the room. How did you not see a second raptor?

     Suddenly, a small figure darted across the kitchen, and the second raptor growled and turned its head. Cursing softly, you banged on the door with the metal taser once again, but you still only had one raptor's attention. Then, you saw Tim run into one of the kitchen's freezers, and one of the velociraptors followed suite. Tim stumbled out of the freezer, and shut the door behind him. Deciding to act quickly, you burst through the kitchen door and jabbed your taser into the velociraptor's skin. The taser crackled and the raptor screeched in pain, and you yanked your weapon back, running to the kids and leading them out of the kitchen.

     As the three of you rushed through the door, you saw Alan and Ellie. They looked safe and you breathed a sigh of relief.

     "They're in there!" Lex gasped, pointing back to the kitchen.

      "We gotta move," Alan said, cocking the rifle he had in his hands.

     Once inside the control room, you, Alan, and Ellie started to look for a way to shut the door. The locks were only operational if the park had power, and without electricity, the door was useless. Thankfully, Lex rushed to the nearest computer. You only hoped she could figure something before the raptors found you all.

    A shrill cry from one of the creatures broke your train of thought, and the door began to open. You, Alan, and Ellie noticed and pushed back. The force of two velociraptors was nothing to scoff at, and the three of you had to put tremendous effort into keeping the door shut.

     You tried to reach for the gun that had been dropped on the floor in the struggle. It was fruitless, but you still reached as far as you could while applying pressure to the door. You squeezed your eyes shut when one of the raptors released an ear-piercing screech and you hoped and prayed that something would work.

     After a brief struggle that really felt like hours, you heard a few beeps from the computer system, and the door slammed shut, the heavy metal bars sliding into place. The door was locked! The building hummed as the power came back on, and Lex turned toward you all with a grin on her face. You and the other adults approached the screen she was working at to see that she had successfully brought back the power!

     After a brief moment of relieved celebration, Alan grabbed one of the phones and began talking. "Mr Hammond, the phones are working," he said with an expression of relief, joy, and excitement all at once.

     Suddenly, you heard a screech from one of the raptors, and a loud crash coming from the direction of the doors. Alan cocked the gun and aimed it at the raptor that had broken in, and the rest of you found a space to crawl through a vent in the ceiling. You all made it to the main entrance of the visitor's center and had to use the scaffolding to safely climb down from the ceiling.

     Then, one of the raptors jumped onto the scaffolding, causing the metal structure to shake perilously. Thinking quickly, you, Ellie, and Alan helped the kids onto the alamosaurus bones that were displayed in the center of the lobby. The minute you grabbed onto one of the neck bones, a raptor jumped onto the skeleton and the model began to shake violently. One of the kids shrieked as the structure broke apart and the bones began to swing dangerously, held up by support wires.

You clung on the bone desperately, but when the hard material hit your chest you let out a cry of pain and dropped to the floor. You hit the tile with a soft "oof" and the pain seemed to explode in your chest. Someone called your name and you faintly heard the crashing of several bones hitting the ground and quick footsteps approaching you.

You weakly opened your eyes to see Alan observing your injured form with great concern. Eyes alight with worry, he gently placed a hand behind your back to try and lift you. The movement caused you to groan, but you shuffled away from the raptors that were slowly approaching.

Everyone took cover behind Alan as the predators continued to stalk closer, and you shut your eyes as one of them got ready to pounce. Suddenly in a flash of teeth and scales, the T-Rex grabbed the raptor as it began to jump and shook it violently. Amazed at the spectacle, the five of you watched for a moment before quickly running out the front door.

     Alan stayed with you as he helped you into one of the jeeps that was out front. John Hammond was in one of the vehicles and you heard brief chatter between him and Alan before the jeeps began to move forward.


Hey guys don't fear the next and FINAL part will be here very soon!

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