romeo & juliet

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Elsie liked calling herself a reader, when in reality she hadn't actually read in forever. She had tried but she had just gotten distracted and ended up just stopping altogether. When she was younger her mother used to read to her every night. Even if Elsie didn't have much access to education her mother wanted her to be able to read and write. Her mother was good. 

Elsie didn't think about her mother much, it was too much. She pushed down all the pain surrounding her family. She didn't tell anyone what happened because she too was confused. She was left all alone. 

She had woken up that night because of a dream about her mother, in which she called out to Elsie to save herself as her family was taken. Not pleasant. She had shot up from her bed, beads of sweat lined her hairline as she breathed heavily. Her chest rising up and down rapidly. The only light in her room coming from the moon, she couldn't afford to have a light running all night. She sat surrounded by past memories of her family. 


She missed them. 

So much. 

She looked around and squinted her eyes in hopes that she could see the time. 2:34. After a dream like that there was no way she was going to fall back asleep without effort. She took a deep breath as she threw the blankets over her legs folding back on themselves. She rolled her shoulders as she sat on the side of her bed, her legs hanging over the side. A light turned on outside of her room, coming from the living room. Probably Lucy Gray getting water. She stood up and slinked over to her door opening it slightly to try and peer on what waited on the other side. A figure stood in the middle of the kitchen, arms holding the counter by the sink pressing its body weight on them. Not Lucy Gray. 

She quickly closed the door and her breath hitched. She heard whoever it was moving closer to her room and her heart rate quickened. Her legs didn't move and she stood like a statue behind the door. Elsie heard whomever it was get closer, she snapped out of her trance and began moving backwards, almost tripping on a shoe that was left on the ground. She loudly stumbled back over her own legs and she almost fell but caught herself. "Shit." She muttered quietly as she saw the doorknob turn, she felt a hot rush run through her veins. She felt the weight on her chest again as the door was pushed open, a creak came with it. She prepared herself for whatever was going to come as she backed herself against her window in case she needed to get out, her fingers quickly flicking the lock with a click to make it easy to access. She squinted through the darkness to see if she could recognise the person.

"Coriolanus?" She whispered through the darkness, hoping she wasn't wrong. She hoped that it was him for if it wasn't she was most certainly screwed. 

"Elsie." He responded and she let out a sigh of relief. Her body losing its tension as she began to think back to her own internal debate. Part of her wanted to just run forward and kiss him. The other part of her knew it was wrong, but hearing his voice she wanted the desperate part of her to win. She was lucky he couldn't see her eyes because if there was light, he would see the need in them. Her breathing slowed as the two stood in silence. She watched as he slowly turned around and shut her door, closing them both in. He eyed her in the darkness and the only sounds that could be heard was her breathing. 

"You scared me." She finally spoke breaking the silence and his face twisted to one of guilt.

"I'm sorry." He quickly responded, he did feel bad for he never meant to make her fearful. Though he could see how his entrance could be stomach-churning. She stepped towards him slowly, an unspoken agreement between the two. They were suddenly very close, inches apart. His hand grabbed the side of her waist and her breath hitched as she looked into his eyes, they didn't have the same quality to them as they did when it was light. They looked dark, thoughtful. 

"That's alright." She whispered as his face leaned down closer to her own. She tried to calm her breathing but it was difficult. Their faces inches apart now his other hand wrapped around the other side of her waist quickly pulling her close to him. She met his gaze and lightly nodded. That was enough for him. He leaned forward connecting their lips, she melted into the kiss and he did the same. She felt light, the feeling of butterflies stopped for she was no longer nervous. This confirmation was enough for her string of never ending worries to pause. Their lips moved in perfect sync, an underlying hunger laced between the breaks in their kiss. His hand snaked up the side of her body, she felt a tingle wherever his hand went. The side of her face met his hand and he deepened the kiss, the two lost themselves in it. Elsie didn't think while kissing him. She didn't think about the repercussions. Her mind went blank as his lips were locked on her own. She pulled back and smiled at him. 

"Romeo and Juliet." She breathed out, still catching her breath. She never looked away from his gaze. "Have you read it?" She asked quietly. "That's what we are." She added on softly as his thumb rubbed against her cheek. She again thanked the darkness because the red on her face was so obvious, she could feel the warmth. 

"No." He replied, whispering. His mind still focused on what they had a moment ago. He wanted to stay like that for as long as he could. But Elsie wouldn't be herself without her comments. 

"You should." She smiled as she quickly connected their lips before breaking the kiss yet again. The two looked at each other before he backed away from her reaching back to turn her door handle. She looked down at what he was doing and she looked back up at him a concerned look on her face. 

"I'll come see you again. Any time. Any night. You tell me." He said quietly nodding slightly at her as he disappeared behind the wooden door. She let out a breath and backed up as soon as the sound of the click as it closed confirmed his leaving. She fell back onto her bed and smiled up at the ceiling before a thought hit her, throwing her back into reality. 

What the fuck did you just do? 

𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 𝒾 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝒶𝒾𝒹 - coriolanus snowWhere stories live. Discover now