Chapter 205 - Caliburn

Comenzar desde el principio

"Merlynne was not my first name, nor was it Emrys." Merlynne said. "But there is no need for me to tell you, is there, Child of Eventide? I'm sure you've already guessed my true identity."


"Indeed. To become the 'Lady of the Lake' is to bear Caliburn within your body. You and the blade of legend shall be one and the same. That is the reason why your mother rejected this inheritance, why she sought to distance you from it... And why I stand here before you with a body."

"I... have to become the sword of legend?" Viviane frowned. "What will happen to my body?"

"Nothing. It will remain the same, but you will harbor Caliburn within you, becoming a blade. It is a lonely existence, for those who touch you shall be cut unless they are worthy of its name. Your very existence will become like mine, sharp enough to rend even time itself if you so desire. And most importantly... You will live forever, Child of Eventide. Forever, until the power of the Lake is passed down once again."

"...And the alternative?"

"The alternative is your life for mine. I will consume what lifeforce you have left, along with the power of your Crest. Through it, I shall free myself from the shackles that Amelia has placed upon me and support Medrauta as the sword of legend. Should you choose such a path, then Medrauta's victory is assured. I have seen much and have cut down far greater witches than Amelia. So long as I am by her side, she will never know defeat."

"...Even if you were to face my mother?"

Merlynne nodded without hesitation. "Should Medrauta wield me, even Artoria must kneel. It would be a difficult fight, but not one that I envision losing."

So only one of us can live, huh...? I suppose that makes sense, seeing as both Emrys and I are on the verge of death... Viviane sighed, her hand unconsciously reaching up to her chest where Amelia had pierced her. In the Lake, her body bore no wounds, but she swore she could still feel the piercing pain and the excruciating sensation of her blood being forcibly extracted.

She wrenched her eyes shut as she attempted to parse the choices she was given, her heart aching with every passing second. Merlynne tapped her foot impatiently, reminding Viviane that she was quite literally on borrowed time.

If I return, Emrys dies... But if I don't Medrauta will win... She'll live for sure. Viviane grit her teeth. It was a difficult choice, but in the end, there was only one option she could pick.

"...I want to go back to Medrauta... I have so many more things I want to do with her. So many things I haven't said to her yet... But I can't." Viviane kept her eyes closed as she spoke, not trusting herself to open them and allow a torrent of tears to pour forth. "Not if it means killing you in the process."

Merlynne smiled. "I knew you would say that, Viviane."

"H-Huh!?" Viviane's eyes snapped open as she stared at Merlynne in surprise. For the first time since they met, Merlynne had called Viviane by her name. There was pride in the woman's voice, but also a slight tinge of sadness that caught Viviane's attention.

The blue-haired woman's body glowed brightly, a mixture of gold and silver light bursting forth from her hovering form and creating a vast display of dancing lights around the area, dyeing the Lake in a beautiful canvas of color. She wore a smile on her face, but it was not an expression of joy. Rather, Merlynne's visage displayed a strange amalgamation of relief and regret as she continued to invoke whatever strange power she was drawing forth.

"I'm glad I chose you as my successor."

"W-What are you—" Viviane gasped as the motes of light shooting forth from Merlynne's body entered her own. With each spark of light that fused with Viviane's body, the glow around Merlynne's form began to dim and so too did her form.

Every shimmer of light that departed Merlynne's body caused her to become more and more translucent, as if her very existence was fading away. Just like before, the only thing that remained constant was the blade floating in the center of where Merlynne stood.

"N-No! This isn't what I wanted!" Viviane shouted desperately, but Merlynne continued to fuel the ritual, transferring the power of the Lake to Viviane in full. "Stop, Emrys! Please!"

Viviane rushed toward the rapidly fading woman, hoping to somehow stop her before it was too late. But just as she couldn't fly to the sun nor swim to the end of the ocean, neither could she stop Merlynne from disappearing from this world. In her desperation, she had tried to grab Merlynne, but her hand completely passed through the woman's ethereal form.

In another second, the final mote of light nested itself within Viviane's body and Merlynne disappeared entirely. The only proof she had ever existed was the blade that still remained hovering where she once stood.

"...Take it, Viviane." Merlynne's voice echoed through the Lake. Though her body was no longer present, Viviane could still feel the last vestiges of the woman's presence continue to linger, as if remaining to ensure that Viviane properly inherited her birthright.

Wordlessly, Viviane complied, reaching out and grasping Caliburn by the hilt. The moment she touched the sword of legend, it emitted a bright flash of gold and silver light before disappearing. Amidst the turmoil of mixed emotions brewing within Viviane, she now felt an overpowering strength that rose above all else. Instinctively, she understood its purpose, its meaning, and how to best use it.

She had become Caliburn, and it had become her.

"Go forth now, Viviane." Merlynne's voice rang in Viviane's ears for the final time. "And when you return... Please tell Medrauta that I'm sorry I couldn't be there for her all these years... and that I'm proud of the woman she's become."

"...I will." Viviane said, a stream of tears rolling down her cheeks. "Farewell, Emrys."

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