chapter 2: five months ago

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I was with this guy, his name is Chris and let's just say it wasn't a really good relationship as you will start to see.

Jon was in his bedroom reading his book and in comes Chris drunk and mad for some reason.

Chris: So what did you do today?

Jon: nothing much, i cleaned around the house and i was reading my book. Why did you ask?

Chris: Oh really? You should you wasn't out cheating on me?

Jon: what!!! no, I wasn't. I was here all day. You're drunk and need some sleep.

Chris: I DON"T NEED SLEEP!!!! I want to know why you are lying to me.

Jon: I'm not, and you are drunk now, lay down and go to sleep.

Chris: yea that's funny, I know there's guys throwing themselves at you all the time

Jon: okay and? Doesn't mean I want them.

Chris: Okay Jon, who says you don't have some fun with them when I'm not looking.

Jon: you said so ridiculous, where is this coming from?

Chris: I'm ridiculous??? That's funny.

Jon: please just come to bed. I don't wanna fight with you tonight.

Chris: Because you know I'm right.

Jon: omg Chris!!!! Why are you doing this?

Chris: Because if you can cheat, so can i.

Jon: what the fuck did you do?

Chris: well.... I've been seeing this guy behind your back because you can do it. Why can't i?

Jon: Are you being for real right now?

Chris: I am

Jon: I can't believe you would do this to me. What di i ever do to you to hurt me like this?

Chris: don't play with me, you been doing it too

Jon: NO!!! I HAVEN'T BEEN. You are an asshole and need to get out of my face.

Chris: Okay sure.


Chris: fine, I'm going to sleep on the couch

After Chris leaves the room, Jon locks the door and starts to cry. He didn't know what just happened and he had a lot going through his head. He had a lot to think about.

the next morning

Chris: I am so sorry for everything I said to you last night.

Jon: You're sorry? for what? cheating on me?

Chris: For all of it, I know I can't take back anything I said or did but I do love you still and I get jealous fast.

Jon: So that gives you the reason to cheat on me and talk to me like that?

Chris: It doesn't and I'm sorry

Jon: How many guys have you cheated on me with?

Chris: Does it matter Jon?

Jon: It does to me, yes

Chris: five guys but i thought you was cheating on me too

Jon: Well I wasn't, you were the only one that was cheating. I would never do that to someone I loved. Yes, there's guys throwing themselves at me but I don't have sex with them because I was with you and I don't cheat on the person that I'm with.

Chris: Please forgive me, I am so sorry. I won't do it again.

Jon: I can't trust you.

Chris: please

Jon: You need to get your things and leave my house.

Chris: please! don't do this to me

Jon: You did this to yourself

Chris: You need me, you can't live with me Jon

Jon: I don't need you as much as you need me. NOW LEAVE MY GODDAMN HOUSE!!!! I don't want to see you anymore.

Chris: fine but you are going to be begging me to come back

Jon: I will never need you. you hurt me and i don't wanna see you ever again.

Chris: That's what they all say, Jon.

later that day Jordan came over to give Jon some company after what happened

Jordan: How are you holding up?

Jon: I'm okay, I kind of figured he was going behind my back and cheating on me but I didn't want to believe it.

Jordan: Well, I never liked him the first time I saw him. He seemed shady.

Jon: Yeah, I guess you were right.

Jordan: I didn't want to say anything because you were happy.

Jon: I should have broken up with him months ago.

Jordan: I'm sorry he cheated on you Jon. but on to better things in your life.

Jon: for sure, on to bigger and better things.

Jordan: On a side note, are you ready for the upcoming concerts? Maybe you can meet a nice and cute guy to get your mind off of Chris?

Jon: I think I'm going to work on myself for a little bit before I put myself back out there.

Jordan: Well, I'm here for you no matter what. I love you

Jon: thank you and I love you too 

Jon was still heartbroken but he needed time to heal and move on and that's what he did. He moved on and he is in a much better place in his life but this isn't the end of Chris's story. 

 stay tune for the next chapter 

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