Back to the Future

36 1 2

Words ~ 615

Paul was surrounded by darkness. He quickly sat up with a gasp, feeling as if his lungs had been deprived of air for centuries.

"John?" He cried out, looking around desperately for the man he had fallen asleep in the comfort of.

"John! Please, I'm scared!" Paul begged helplessly, tears welling up in his tired, brown eyes.

And that's when he saw him.

His body convulsed immediately as he gagged, trembling violently as sobs emitted from the back of his burning throat.

"Don't touch him!" Paul screamed, hot tears streaming down his face.

John was being held gunpoint.

His John.

His best friend, his bandmate, his everything, was being held at gunpoint.

"Don't fucking hurt him!" Paul yelled as loudly as he could, his body overheating and shaking aggressively with adrenaline and fear. He felt as if he was having a seizure.

The gun clicked, and Paul let out a cry. The safety.

"Please!" Paul begged, his vision crowded and blurry. He couldn't see anything.

But that was a lie, wasn't it?

He could see John clearly, his terrified and pained expression. His breath hitched and his heart sank.

"Paul, please help me—"

The gun fired.

"No!" Paul screamed at the top of his lungs, gagging on his own tears as he screamed in pure terror.

"John!" He cried out in horror, running to his side and cradling his head in his lap. John's body was limp and near-lifeless, a warm crimson colour spilling from his head. Paul's tears landed on John's cheek.

"Hey, stay with me, it's okay—"


"No. You're going to be okay. Please don't close your eyes."


"Keep your fucking eyes open! Do not leave me, John Lennon!"


Paul woke up with a scream of pure pain and fear, his body shaking madly and tears soaking his face and neck.

"Shh, Macca. I'm here."


Paul threw his arms around John's neck, hugging him weakly but as tightly as he could manage. John held him securely, whispering small reassurances into his ear.

"Shh, you're okay. I'm not going anywhere. You're safe."

Paul sobbed into John's shoulder, still holding onto him with his life.

"Don't leave me John, please, please don't leave me, I need you. I can't live without you."

"I'm not going anywhere, Paul."

"Promise me."

"I promise."

John gently ran his fingers through Paul's hair, rocking him back and forth soothingly.

"Go to sleep, Macca. I'm right here. I've got you."

"I can't sleep."


"I can't sleep."


John continued to caress Paul's hair for a while, the two of them sitting in silence while Paul slowly regained control of his breathing.

"It felt so real."

John stayed silent, rubbing his back gently to let him know he was listening.

"You got shot. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't save you." Paul said as he stifled a sob, and John held him a bit tighter.

"Your head was in my lap, and I— I didn't know what to do, John," Paul cried, leaning into John's touch.

"Hey, look at me." John said softly, gently lifting Paul's chin so he would look him in the eye.

"I'm right here, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'm not leaving you, Paul. We're safe."



"I trust you, John."


John pressed a tender kiss to Paul's forehead, gently rubbing his hair as his head rested on John's shoulder.

They stayed like that for a few hours, John refusing to go to sleep before Paul did. Paul eventually fell asleep, his tired figure resting comfortably against John's. John held him tightly, before whispering in his ear.

"I wouldn't ever plan on leaving you, James Paul McCartney."

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