You're not the shit, I'm the shit, you shitless extra

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Bakugou POV

If there is one thing you should know about Dynamight, is that he is the shit.

It's a fact, an universal truth, a testament in the bible.

There is no way that you can deny that he is, in fact, the shit.

What were the reasons? Simple

His quirk is awesome. Explosions? Are fucking kidding me? There's nothing cooler than that and everyone should be jealous of him.

His job? The best one. He gets to fuck shit up and never deal with the consequences. Hero society is fucked, he learned that the hard way but dammit did he learn it.

He thought that being a goody two shoes hero was the path for him, but after the way UA treated him while he was in the hero course all because they didn't know how to deal with his fiery temper and personality and restrained him instead of trying to help him really opened his eyes.

He still can remember that day. The day where he won that stupid sport's festival but lost all of his purpose. It only got worse from there, his teachers gradually losing his patience for him because of his actions, but that was only because of the way they treated him. You don't take a tennager and tell him that he's not going far being the way they are, you don't take a tennager and hurt him with painful exercises to teach them how to use his quirk the "right way", whatever the fuck that is.

He can admit, he had a bad temper, but he never hurt anybody, he would never do that. That's not what a hero would do.

Well, heroes were the ones that hurt him, and treated him like a villain, let society treat him like a villain. Being sixteen and being told that you are a disgusting villain that should be rooting in jail all because you have a resting bitch face and take things seriously is enough to turn everybody against you.

So, he became what society expected of him.

A big bad nasty villain.

By the end of the first year Bakugou had become so fucking tired of all that hero bullshit that he decided to run away and hide. From everyone.

Well, except Shitty Hair and Shitty Nerd.

You see, Bakugou wasn't the only one who had an eye opening about hero society. Fucking Deku also had his fair share of disappointments.

The biggest one being All Might. That one also hit Bakugou pretty hard.

It was hard finding out that his hero gave his childhood best friend his quirk, which by the time Bakugou was absolutely sure was not worth it, but after seeing what Deku had to go through, well, good riddance.

Broken bones, impossible expectations and the weight of the world on your shoulders while he was treated like trash was only a matter of time before he also broke.

That whole time Kirishima had to watch.

He had to watch as his two strongest classmates and friends were treated below dirt, for no reason at all. All of the class 1-A had to watch and be silent, otherwise they would also be mistreated.

Kirishima didn't care, he couldn't stand watching them go down. He couldn't stand watching Bakugou's fire extinguish everytime someone called out to him in the school hallways to give up on being a hero and just be a villain already. Even teachers would do that. And seeing Deku lose all his love for heroics and his determination to be number one was so hard to watch.

Kirishima wanted to be a hero, but above all, he was loyal to his own beliefs.

So when he saw Bakugou run away from school, he wasted no time in going after him, the fucker.

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