Chapter 1

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(A/N: Finally doing this part of the comics, also, a reminder that is your outfit [the picture] and these are going to be shorter than the others, unless you want them to end faster?

  [Mobius Hedgehog household New mobotropolis]

"I wonder what Sonic is doing right now." Bernadette, Sonic's mother, said sadly as she washed the dishes. 

"Bernie, Sonic is just going to send Silver back to his world." Jules, Sonic's father, reassured his wife as he looked up from the newspaper in his hands. 

"Yes, well, good for Silver But, with Y/n and Shadow too? Neo walkers know what those two are capable of." Jules got up and walked towards his wife. 

"Bernie, I don't believe they will harm our son." 

"You don't think so? remember the times they nearly cost Sonic his life?" 

"And Sonic forgave them in the end. Even if they're not friends, they are presently not his enemies." 

"...I suppose you're right, but they will have to get through me if they ever try to hurt my baby boy again!" Bernadette turned back to the sink as Jules noticed Chuck walking in. 

"Charles? Nicole? What is going on? Nicole answered for Chuck. 

"Sally wants me to take all of you to Freedom Fighters HQ." This put the parents on high alert. 

"What's happening?" 

"There's...a little complication. You will see when we get there." 

"Is it Sonic?! Is he alright?!" 

"Mrs.Hedgehog, all will be explained when I take you to the headquarters. Oh, and Sir Charles?" 


"Sally also asked for you to bring a plate of Chilidogs." 

—Back at Freedom Fighters HQ—

 Back at the HQ, Sally is seen trying to coax the children to come out of hiding, and Tails walking through the door. 

"Shh...Come out now, kids." Sally sighed as she turned to Tails. 

"Have you contacted Rouge and Omega yet?" 

"They said they will come in a few days. An important mission from G.U.N came up. Are the others coming?" 

"Yes, and I just sent Nicole to get the hedgehog family." 

"And have they come out yet?" 

"No, not yet. They're still scared." They meaning the four small hedgehogs under the table. Sonic and Silver on the verge of crying, You were shaking—hiding your face in Sonic's shoulder, While Shadow was glaring at Sally and Tails. Sally leaned further down.

"Sonic, don't you remember me? It's me, Sally. Shadow? Y/n? Silver?" Shadow spoke up for all his siblings. 

"We...We don't know you. Who are you people? And how do you know our names?"

 "We just want to go home! Where are we?" Sonic meekly said. Which surprised Sally and Tails. 

"This is weird. I don't think that's the Sonic we both know. He never whimpers, not even when we were kids! And look at their shoes, I've never seen those kinds before." Tails whispered to Sally. 

"Can it be...? They're from another zone?" Pondered Tails as Sally turned back to the small hedgies. 

"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you." 

"How do we know you're not Lying?" 

"How do you want us to prove it?" 

"......We just want to go home to our mama and papa." 

"Well, until we can find your parents, why don't you come out from under there? We've got Chilidogs." That piqued Sonic's interest. 

"What's...' chilidogs'? This made Shadow deadpan at his brother. Sally's attention was put towards the door. Through the door entered Nicole, Chuck, Bernadette, and Jules. 

"Sally, the hedgehog family have arrived." 

"Thanks, Nicole..." 

"Is it Sonic?! Is he alright?! I knew I shouldn't have let him go traipsing off with those three good-for-nothings! Now it's personal!! And don't you try to stop me, Jules! He's hurt and I wasn't there to protect him!" Poor Bernadette. 

"It's best if you take a look yourselves." Sally motioned under the table. Bernadette and Jules both looked Surprised seeing their son and rivals as toddlers. 

"Oh my..." Chuck still had the plate of Chilidogs in hand as he started talking to Sally. 

"Have you told the rest of the freedom fighters about this?" 

"I just sent them a message to come. They should be here any minute." Chuck walked towards the kids and placed down the Plate in front of them as Sally kept talking. 

"I've tried to get them out, but nothing works. So I think your chilidogs just might be the encouragement they need." Sonic, being the only one going up to the Chilidogs took one off the plate, took a bite and You could've sworn you saw hearts and stars in his eyes. 

"This tastes just like a hot bun back home!!" This got Y/n to come out from under the table as well, seeing Hot buns were one of her favorites and they reminded her of Their mother. 

"Really? Let me try one." She took one off the plate as well and took a bite. Same reaction as Sonics, leaving Jules and Bernadette to smile at them both and wonder. 

'Hot buns?' Bernadette felt a tug on her dress, so she looked down towards Shadow who was holding out Silver to her.

 "Could you give him some milk please?" This surprised Bernadette but she accepted and took Silver into her arms. 

"Don't you want any Chilidogs?" She asked as Shadow shook his head no. 

"Sonic and Y/n are hungry. When they're done, I'll eat." This warmed The mother's heart as she smiled once more. 

"You are a very sweet boy."

Childrens Play: A Sonic Comic; Female reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now