Love bite? Bug bite? WHY BITE AT ALL??

Start from the beginning

She takes deep breaths and holds on to the fabric of her jacket where she has her hands on the pockets, clinging to that false sense of having something she can protect herself with. She keeps her eyes looking straight ahead, not bothering to look away when she hears a odd noise.

Everything is odd at this hour and at this place.

She's only a couple of blocks from home when she hears steps behind her. She doesn't look back, her instincts yelling at her to keep moving and to walk faster, but not to run in case that set something or someone off.

The steps keep getting closer, and Ochako moves faster. Her little legs sometimes made it hard for her to be quick but she was bolting her ass out of there faster than Ingenium.

They get closer.

She's panicking, of course this has to happen. Of course she has to be harassed and killed all on the same day. At least earlier she had those three to protect her, now she only had the rats and cockroaches as witnesses to her murder.

Everything stops when she's pushed up against a wall, her front hitting against the hard brick and her back to her attacker.

Before she could pull her basic martial art moves, he takes her hands into his and restrains them. She huffs. Great, her only self defense moves were now out of the picture.

"Listen carefully, girlie-" the man whispers in her ear, his hot breath making her shiver "I know that you have something on those mutherfuckers, so start talking" he pushes his front against her and traps her even more to the wall.

"I don't know what you are talking about" because seriously, what is this dude on? Who is he talking about?

He twists her arms "Don't fucking play with me" he sniffs her neck, where her fading bite mark provided by Red Riot is "You rick of them"

Is he talking about the villains?


"Motherfucker are you saying I need to shower? Because that's not very nice!" her need to be sassy is bigger than her survival instincts to not piss off her attacker, that much is obvious and not at all a surprise.

He chuckles and his hand rubs the spot of the bite mark "What's not nice is ripping that pretty face off unless you start talking" he holds her face and looks her in the eyes. He's wearing a mask, but that doesn't conceal his wolfish eyes as watches his claw caress her check.

A mutant quirk.

All she knows is that this villain is fucking ugly, and she doesn't need to him without his mask to know that.

"You think I'm pretty?" she teases

He twists her arm even more "Talk, bitch"

"But I don't know what you are talking about!"

"I want to explain how you fucking rick of their scent and are still breathing"

"Who's scent?! I just wanna go home, please!" she begs, because his claw is way too close to her throat and this is starting to feel way too real.

"You know what? I don't got time for this shit. If you ain't talking, might as well just kill you. To make sure there's no loose ends" all of his claws come out of his hands and Ochako takes a deep breath, knowing that it will be her last one.

Until she takes another one, but this time without a warm body on her back.

Something smashes to her right.

She looks in that direction and all she sees is red. She's not sure if it's just the red hair, or the red of the blood that it's being spilled.

The man who was trapping her gets up from where he was thrown "I fucking knew it. I knew that this fucking bitch had something to do with you two. She has your disgusting smell all over her!"

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