Chapter 7

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It was dark and foggy.A light wind fell to smooth the ice that was covering the place.

Every single place looked like death,very scary. The kingdom of hell held its dark majesty like it has always done.

In a big scary room in that kingdom that everyone fears,a little lifeless figure was laying.Her sleep looked very peaceful.

Mabye she doesn't know where she was and this is the reason why her sleep is so deep,but, not for long.

A light breeze fell in the room  bringing a few strands of hair to her face.That was teasing her.She slowly open her eyes.

For a while she smile but reality hit her and than yn remembered that this wasn't her home.

The room where she was staying was strange and definitely not her room in heaven.

She blinked her eyes in confusion, maybe what she was seeing is a part of her imagination.Yn shock her head but she wasn't imagining,everything is real.

She got up and sat on the bed,confused and scared at the same time.

"What happened to me?Where am I,I can'remember nothing" Yn put her hands on her head.She closed her eyes and tried to remember what happened. Suddenly flashbacks come to her mind. Yn widened her teary eyes.

"No,no,no this can't be real this is a joke thats right.Im sure this is only a dream nothing more.Its..Its only..a dream..right"her smile drop and than a tear fell from her left eye.

"T-this can't be r-real" her tears wasnt stopping.She lay again in the bed but didn't say nothing.After a while she got up.Her eyes were red from crying and she felt dizzy.Her facial expression was numb.

"I have to get out of here as soon as possible.I need to go to heaven.My sister is waiting for me,she need..."

"You aren't going anywhere,lay down " a deep yet husky voice echoed in her ears.Yn stop her actions.She could feel goosebumps in her whole body.

Yn lifted her head.But can't see anything.The room was dark.She wanted to know whose voice was that who had so much effect on her but she can't.

"W-who a-are you" she couldn't say more.That husky voice that was echoing in her head was giving her shivers.She heard a deep breath.

Yn took the covers and tightened them closer to her chest.

"Don't be scared, you are safe here"she close her eyes.Yn had weird feelings that she haven't felt before.That voice was driving her crazy.

"W-who are y-you,and w-why I'm h-here"yn was scared but at least she managed to speak at him again.She heard a dark chuckle.

Yn shivered with fear this wasn't a good sign.Something wasn't in its right place she can feel it.

"It's better for you to stay at your place and don't make more useless questions.You are going to know it very soon don't worry."

From the darkness yn could distinguish a tall and muscular body whose face she couldn't see.He was sitting in a big couch.

And the light that fell at his body made her widened her eyes in shock.He was shirtless and he looked damn hot.

She low her head and cover her eyes but again yn heard a dark chuckle and she was very sure he was smirking.

"Don't be shy sweetheart.You will get used to this look."

Yn raised her head with confusion but immediately her checks take a cherry color.He was standing only two inches away from her face.

"W-who a-are y-you?S-stay a-away f-from m-me"her breath hitched making her words stuck.Yn's heart was getting out of its place and this make him smirk more.

"L-look,I-i d-don't k-know y-you s-sir,p-please l-let m-me I i w-want to g-go h-home."

Every thing was so awkward.She tried to back away but he put his hand on her waist and brought her closer to his naked,muscular chest.

"You aren't going nowhere little angel.Do you know,If I want something I get it and you are one of things i like" yn shiver with fear.A tear escape from her eye.She tried to push him away but his grip tighten more.

"Let m-me i d-don't k-know who y-ou are,I wanna go h-home" she was very confused and scared at the same time.

Now he was frustrated.He came near her ear and say

"You aren't going anywhere.From now this is your home,sweetheart"


Okay,now the real story has begun

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