If we never talked, then there was no way I could fuck it up. Then, I got caught on a stitch and I huffed silently in frustration. What irks me even further is that it's such a simple thing, one you learn when you first start out. Yet, for some reason, I can't seem to fucking get it. I stare it for a while as I try to make myself remember but eventually realize it's hopeless.

I glance up, looking for my mom but she seems busy helping someone. I stare at her until she finishes, hoping she feels my eyes on her, but she just moves to the next person. I turn back to the sweater, trying again to will myself to remember but it's useless yet again. "Edith?" I freeze at the sound of my name from an unfamiliar voice.

I know it's her and my god is her voice heavenly, but I tense up. "I'm Diane. I... wanted to ask if you needed some help, maybe? I mean you could be taking a break but I just wanted to check on you" she rambles a bit and I fight the urge to smile as it's kinda cute. I slowly look up at her and her eyes seem to soften as our gazes connect.

I nod to answer her question and she gestures to the seat next to me, silently asking if she could sit. I happened to sit on a little couch that's big enough for two so I nodded to say it was ok. She moves slowly and I follow her with my eyes until she sits. "Can I see it?" she asks even softer now that she's close and I stare at her hands as she reaches them out.

I feel the need to run my fingers across her palms but I stop myself as that's not exactly appropriate. I hand her the sweater along with my hook and she hums as she looks it over. "This is very good! Oh- I see the issue..." she mumbles and while she's focused on the stitches, I admire her face. The little curve of her button nose, her full eyebrows, the way she gently nibbles on her bottom lip.

She turns to me before I can look away and smiles warmly at me. It's silent for a few seconds which usually makes me nervous but I'm too lost in her eyes to think about much else. "Umm... the stitch" she whispers and I shake my head a bit, averting my gaze to her hands where she begins to talk me through where I was stuck.

I don't really listen, I can only focus on the way she delicately handles the fabric and hook. "All done" she chirps and I flinch a little at the sudden change in volume but regroup quickly. "Thank you" I mumble, "you're welcome, sweetheart" she says. I take my things back as she hands them to me and her hands linger a bit on my own.

Soon enough she stands up to return to her place and before I can stop myself I ask her to stay. "What'd you say sweetheart?" she asks softly and I just look up at her and point to the space beside me, not having to voice to ask again. She seems to understand my meaning, grabbing her things and sitting down next to me.

She locks eyes with me again, silently asking if this is what I wanted and I nod to reassure her. I watch as her posture relaxes more and she leans into the back of the couch, turning to focus on her own work. Over the course of the night, we have a few short conversations; mostly sharing our interests and things of that nature.

The meeting comes to an end and I say goodbye to Diane, heading over to my mom. "So..." she nudges my arm gently, "so what?" I scoff playfully and she raises her eyebrows as she motions with her eyes to the brunette. "I saw you were opening up a bit. I'm glad" she points out, "yeah... she's nice" I shrug and my mom just rolls her eyes funnily before walking off to finish something.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I spin around to see Diane smiling nervously. "Oh hey" I chuckle, "hey... I was wondering if you'd want to—maybe get coffee sometime?" she asks quietly and I furrow my eyebrows. I'm not the best with social cues most times but I feel like there's something she's not telling me.

"With me, I mean. Like... at a shop" she clarifies and I giggle because of course I knew she meant that. "Sure, I guess that'd be nice though... I don't drink coffee" I grimace, "well that have tea! And umm hot chocolate, if you like that" she stutters a bit and I nod. We stand there for a bit and she clears her throat a little.

"Do you want my number or..." she prompts and I look at her confused before I realize that we'll have to pick a place and time. "Right! Here..." I hand her my phone and shift on my feet as she taps the screen repeatedly. Her phone dings and she takes it out, "got it" she chuckles as she lifts the device up so I can see.

"I'm thinking maybe that little shop on main... you know the one?" she asks and I nod quickly with a smile, "I love that place" I sigh happily. "Great! I mean good... well, just let me know when" she states, "tomorrow maybe? I-If you're not busy, that is" I stutter nervously and she smiles widely as she shakes her head. "Nope. Not busy at all..." she whispers and smile shyly as she meets my gaze, her eyes unwavering.

"Alright. Time to go" I jump a bit at the sound of my mother's voice right behind me and it seems Diane was startled too. I turn to look at my mom who glances between Diane and I funnily. "You said it was time to go, right? Let's do that then" I say quickly, ushering her towards the door. She eyes me curiously but stumbles ahead as I push on her back, I glance over my shoulder to see Diane is right behind us; trying not to giggle.

Once we're fully out the building I wait with my mom as she looks the door, Diane going ahead to her car. I'm caught in a trance by the way she sways her hips, her steps light and calculated. Gosh... that ass. The sound of the keys jingling brings me back and I follow my mom to the car. I think about the brunette on our entire drive home, wondering if she lives alone.

In fact, I begin to wonder if she's seeing anyone; I guess I just want to know all there is to know about her. Something about Diane intrigues me—well everything about her does. Her presence is so comforting, her voice too, it's like being wrapped in a warm hug. Our conversation comes back to me, about us meeting tomorrow, and I smile widely as I look out the window; imagining what it'll be like...

I'd like to thank BrookeSlee for this AMAZING idea I got based on her story from the 'Sarah Paulson one shots' book you should check out her stories too 😌

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