
After helping my mom and sister clean up down stairs, I make my way up to my bed room and quickly get changed into some comfortable close and go and brush my teeth and do my skin care.
I turn off my light, only leaving my lamp on as I get into my bed.
I pull out my phone and stare at my Lock Screen. It was a picture of Marc and I had taken at the amusement park. We were bundled up from head to toe because it was mid January and it was a particularly cold day for Barcelona. He held the phone up high as I hand my arm wrapped around his torso my head against his chest as I smile up at the camera. The lights of all the rides shining down on us, showing our red cheeks and noses.
Not only was I looking at that but I was also looking at the fact that the only notification was from Lucia and from TikTok saying that Lucia liked my repost.
I sit staring at my screen for a little longer, I should call him? But I'm hurt from what lamine told me earlier. Maybe it should ask him about it. Or he probably just doesn't want to talk to me. I mean obviously.

I hear a knock at my door. "Come in." I look up and watch as Aurora walks through my bedroom door.
She closes the door behind her and makes her way over to my bed. "Took me forever to convince Pablo to play FIFA with Javi." She lets out a breaths as she sits down.
"Que ha pasado?" She asks me. I shake my head and look at her confused. "Nada?"
She tilts her head and gives me a 'don't lie look.'
"I can tell something is bothering you." She sighs, getting more comfortable on my bed.
"Did something happen with Marc? Is that why you avoid the conversation of him?" She asks me.
I sigh, she's my big sister, of course I was going to tell her what happened.
"We got into this stupid argument, and the whole thing escalated from there and now I don't feel like even texting him...well he hasn't tried texting me either." I tell her.
She looks at me sadly. "What was the fight about?"

I look down at my hands. "He just asked me if I was fine with him posting me and I told him I felt and I said, not really but I don't want our relationship to be so public. And he got upset and said 'I don't have a say I this?' Even though we have already talked about it but anyway we came back here and he still looked upset, so I asked him if he still was and that when the whole argument started getting out of hand." I say, slightly frustrated.
I keep going. "He said he just wants to basically show me off to everyone and show that he loves me and I proceeded to say how he doesn't need to do all that to prove that he loves me, because we both know that we do." I keep going just ranting to my big sister about everything that has happened to day and how I felt about everything.
"as your older sister who is a tad bit angry at him right now, I would say dump him. But as a logical woman, talk to him about it. As much as I think he's being stupid right now, i know that, that boy is head over heels for you." She advises me.
I frown and look down at my hands. "It suck's knowing that he said those things, he's supposed to be my boyfriend and I know he's not going to like something and that's fine, nobody is perfect but I didn't expect him to talk bad about me." I say sadly.
Aurora raises her hand and push my hair away from my face.
"I know, hermanita. Being in a relationship at a young age is going to have its ups and downs but if you really want to make it past this, you need to communicate. You guys are young and you're both going to mess up." She explains.
I nod.
"You need to apologize for what you said too." She points at me. "I will." I tell her.
She smiles at me before pulling me into a tight hug.
"Don't tell Pablo." I say to her before pulling away.
"Pablo won't have a clue." She says, while pretending to zip her lips.
"Pablo won't have a clue about what?" We freeze as my brother's voice sounds from the doorway.
We both look at him, as he stood at the door looking like that one emoji who just stands straight up with its hands to its side.
"Nothing." Aurora says.
Pablo frowns his face and walks closer. "No, what's going on?" He asks.

I look at aurora not really sure what to do. "It's just girl things, Pablo. Aren't you supposed to be playing with Javi?" She questions out brother.
Pablo crosses his arms a crossed his chest. "I got mad, so Papa is playing with him now." He tells her before looking at me.
"Tell me." He urges

I shake my head at him. "It's just girl problems." I lie.
His face starts to turn from an annoyed look to a more sad look.
"You two always leave me out of everything just because I'm a guy, why can't I know what's wrong with my baby sister? Cause it's clearly something, you were acting off at dinner." He says frustrated.

Aurora gets up from the bed and grabs him by the bicep. "It's nothing, now let's go." She says tugging at him.
Pablo removed his arm from her and looks back at me before scoffing and walk to the door.
"You're really not going to tell me?" He question ones last time.
I felt slightly bad but I knew if I told him he'd go mad.
Me and Aurora made pack to never tell Pablo things involving boys unless we truly need to because Pablo, was at the near verge of beating up her ex when he found out he led her on for fun.
"Whatever." He mumbles walking out.

I look at my sister with a pained face. "I feel bad." I tell her.
She shakes her head. "I'll talk to him, it's okay." She tells me before walking out.

A/n: 💀

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now