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I trail behind Anita as we make our way up to her bedroom, she still had an hour till her class and I still had a few hours till our recovery training.
I watch her scurry around her room as she tries to find something but I just still down on her chair.
I understand why she wants out relationship private but I want to post her, just like I used too. It's like a big 'fuck you, she's picked me and not you.' to all the boys at La masia who had crushes on her.
That's not even the real reason, I simply just love doing it. It might be cheesy but I love it. She's just so pretty.
But I guess it's not the end of the world if I don't.
I watch as Anita pulls out a hanger that held a bunch of jerseys.
She holds it out to me with a smile before placing my jersey along with her collection the back in her collar.
"It's been getting bigger recently." She chuckles, closing between closet and turning to me. I smile weakly at her and she frowns.
"Are you mad at me?" She asks as she walks closer to where I was sat.
I shake my head, and lean back crossing my arms over my chest. "No, no I'm not." I tell her.

She lets out a small breathe and motions over to me. "Then why are you sat there basically pouting." She asks.
"I'm not." I respond. "You are." She argues back.

I lightly groans. "It's just that I want to tell everyone que eres mía, I want to show you off, I love you and I want everyone to know that but you are too scared because people might hate." I tell her in a calm voice hoping that it didn't make me sound like a complete asshole.
Now she crosses her arms as she looks at me with slight confusion. "Pero, Marc. Not everything has to be publicized. People are going to know we're dating you don't have to go around and post me to show them that you love me. I know you love me and you know you love me. Is that not enough? Why post me? I try and avoid the public eye because people say some messed up things if they don't like you. True or not. They'll hate and you've seen the things that people say about me, my sister, my brother, even my own parents. Apparently my mom hooked up with Pique! I don't recall her even talking to him!
I don't want our relationship to get ruined, I don't want lies to get spread."
She says to me in a serious tone.
"But I won't let that happen, Anita." I try to convince her.
She laughs. "You can't control it. Social media is crazy." She says taking a seat in her bed.
"Plus..I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of it. It's just instagram." She mumbles.
"Says the one that makes a big deal out of everything." I mumble standing up.

The girl gives me a 'what the hell look'. "Did I hear you right? I make a big deal out of everything?" She says getting up from her bed.
I let out a breathy laugh at her words.
"Yeah you do." I argue back.
She scoffs at my words. I could tell she was getting mad but I didn't care, she had already made me mad. "You're making a big deal out of posting me on instagram?" She raises her voice.
Thankfully her parents weren't home.
"No, I'm not. You're just not being fair with me wanting our relationship public!" I shout. I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter.

"This is stupid." She laughs as she falls back on her bed.
"If you going to act like a child, go do it somewhere else." She mumbles, not even looking over at me.
My mouth falls slightly at her comment. I knew when she got mad she stopped holding back. And in all honesty, she always knew exactly where to hit.
I walk over to her door but stop when she starts to talk again.
"Get your head out of your fucking ass. You've been famous for less then 24 hours." She says in a snarky tone.
I press my lips together as I walk out of her bedroom door, slamming her bedroom door shut then making my way out of her house and start heading in the direction of La Masia.


Once I arrived, I was still in a bad mood. I walk into my room and see Hector laying down in his bed.
"You look pissed, tio." He laughs as he looks away from his phone and to me.
I didn't say anything as I plop down in my bed and face my back to him. "Oh..now he's pouting." He jokes.
I push my lip together in a thin line as I turn my body to look over at him. He was now on his side looking over at me with slight amusement in his face.
"Fuck off." I mumble before turning back around.
He laughs. "This is my room too." He comments.
I don't reply to him and just simply close my eyes. 'I'm sleeping this off.' I say in my head.

A few seconds later, I hear Hector get up off his bed and soon I feel a hand on my bicep. "A ver, que pasó, tío?" He ask me with slight concern in his voice.
"I'm tired." I tell him, not opening my eyes.
"You can't trick me, what's up? What happened?" He asks again taking a seat on the bed. I mentally groan.
"Nada, now leave me alone. I'm just tired and want to rest before training." I lied.

Hector sighs but I feel him get off my bed and hear him get back in his.
I open my eyes and stare at the small plush dinosaur I had on my bed. A gift from Anita years ago.
My mind drift off back to the argument and I feel a pang in my chest.
I take a deep breath and I reach over for the dinosaur and old it to my chest before closing my eyes again.

A/n: 😔

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now