Chapter 14: Think It Through

Start from the beginning

"Uhm Ms.Sheila, I have to go grab some things from home. If the doctors give you an update on him, could you call me?" I asked. She nodded and watched me stand up.

"Of course baybeh. Gone head and do whatchu gotta do."

"Thank you." I leaned down and hugged her before heading for the elevators.

I got in and headed down to the lobby and then out into the cool night air. All of Atlanta has been going on without a care in the world while Aug lays up in that bed, and it pisses me off. Then again, of course, the world stops for no one. I walked through the parking lot being sure to check my surroundings before I got into my car. I just sat and let the warm seats relax me a little while I thought about calling Rah. I figure I wont so he doesn't go into hiding, I'll just go find him my damn self.


I banged on the door of the frat house he stay up in, and then waited for somebody to come and answer. Its loud in there so clearly they must be watching some game or playing one. It only took a little minute for one of them to open the door.

"Hey O'Shae. Whatchu doin' over here?" Trevor asked me, I pushed past him and headed for the stair case and up to Rah's room.

The wooden raggedy door was closed, but I just went ahead and opened it without knocking. His room was hotter than the hallway and I could hear folks laughing and chuckling. When I walked in deeper sure enough Rah's little homies was all chillin' on the couch either smoking something or snorting something.

"Get the fuck out, all of you!" I yelled. They all looked up at me, and got they shit together before rushing past me.

I closed the door behind them, and turned back around to find Rah walking out of the bathroom. He looked up at me, and frowned while I shook my head. His damn eyes were red and you could definitely see the visible line of cocaine under his nose.

"Really Raheem?" I asked. He sighed, and sat down on the couch in his room right in front of the pile of drugs still chillin' on the coffee table.

"What are you doing here O'Shae? Shouldn't you be checking on yo lil boyfriend?" He threw his head back on the couch and closed his eyes.

I sighed starting to get real pissed off with him. He in here takin' this shit as a joke after he done put August in the hospital and got him fighting for his life. He simply in here snorting shit up like any other time, which I know means talking to him is going to be a pain for me. I hate when he's like this, but I'm entirely too use to it at this point.

"Yea I should be, but I had to come here to make sure you aren't going to come for him anymore."

He opened one eye and then closed it back laughing a little bit to his self. "Hey, he was the one talking all that noise. I just wanted him to know what he was dealing with."

"I don't care Raheem! You can not keep doing this shit!"

"Yea I can, and I will if you keep fuckin' with him."

"So what, you want me to leave him alone all together?" I asked. "Will that make you leave him alone?"

He sat up and nodded. I feared that would be his answer, but I shouldn't have expected anything else. He wiped his nose and then started choppin' and separating the coke again before going to snort it, but I stomped over and slapped all of it off of the table.

"Stop! For once, could you stop!" I yelled at him. He slowly looked up at me and then stood up and started walking over to his bed, but I grabbed his arm and made him face me again.

"Can you listen to me?"

"What do you want O'Shae? Just leave me alone before I fuck you up."

"I want to know that you will leave him alone."

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