1| Odd person

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            Rachel and Kat 
                  Chapter 1

'How they meet.'
[This chapter will be in Rachel pov]

I was running
Quite fast
Trying all I could to escape him
My asthma wasn't helping as I was running and Every steps made me more dizzy than the previous one
He already made a cut on my elbow even tho his aim was bad
I'd expect better from a proxy
But even when I think about it, I feel like if I slow down he'd aim better this time.
I thought being born as a Vampire would help... But I guess my multiple problems made it seem like I was a weak one.
I can't even beat this smiley face
No but seriously where does the operator get his proxy cuz damn?


he throw his fucking knife at me!
I was looking behind my shoulder when I saw him threw it.
I didn't dodge fast enough as it slashed the front of my hoodie and did a cut. Luckily it's not that deep
I slightly limped away but I was too slow.
As I felt a hand on my shoulder I slightly turned my head to look at the bloody hand on my white hoodie
I shouldn't have went past the snow
I slowly looked up at this crazy creature with scared eyes and heavy breaths from my previous run as I saw his Glasgow Smile dripping onto my clothes.
And his blue scarred eyes looking down at me with an eerie vibe behind them, sending a chill down my spine as I was frozen in place with my 'predator', as they say.

'Gotcha you little bunny'

The man said in a deep and raspy voice.
I immediately gulped when I heard his voice, trying, in my mind to find a possibility to run away from him before I remember it would be hard to run with the scar on my chest..

He threw me on the ground as I tried to crawl away as I remembered the story of a young girl that was the same age as him getting burned and scarred by him
That is now disappeared, sadly I remember that her family died..
Immediately when I crawled away he strongly stomped once on my back making me have a sharp stop in my crawling as I coughed

He was going to stomp once more on my back just for the pleasure of giving me pain but h stopped in his track as he heard a glitchy voice saying

"ꇙ꓄ꄲꉣ ꉣ꒒ꋬꌦ꒐ꋊꍌ ꅐ꒐꓄ꁝ ꊰꋪꏂꇙꁝ ꊰꄲꄲ꒯"

The proxy stopped and looked at the glitchy figure and chuckled
I tried to look back to see who was it and....
It was a weird person that looks like he can from a video game but more bloodied and distorted..
He was a copie of Link, but a messed up one, with blood coming from his eyes and mouth and his medium length blonde hair covered with dirt and blood, the rest of his body was a bit limp but had blocks of glitch to it, most of them where dark green.

The proxy was going to talk to the glitchy figure when he realized I didn't passed out as I looked up at him. He reached out for me but with my long sharp nails I scratched his face but then It happened he once more stabbed my leg

This was the loudest I ever screamed

I'm trying to keep all of the story as accurate a my AU cam be so I hope y'all liked it ♪

Note:I'm trying to keep all of the story as accurate a my AU cam be so I hope y'all liked it ♪

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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