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Violet was trying to carry all the food to the kitchen, struggling to balance all the pizza boxes and chinese takeaway bags in her arms.

"Need any help?" Charlie asked walking into the kitchen behind her.

Startled, the girl accidentally dropped the bags.

"For fucks sake" Violet cursed, looking up to see who was the cause of scaring her. Huffing in annoyance once she saw who it was, she bent down to pick them up.

"Why are you here?" Violet asked looking up at him.

"Dior thought you might've needed some help" Charlie replied sheepishly, before bending down down to help her.

She have him a pointed look.

"She was right by the looks of things" He laughed, amused by the situation.

"How was i supposed to know the chinese was arriving at the same time as the pizza" She retorted, clearly not as amused as him.

"All the more reason why you needed my help"

"I don't need your help" Violet said firmly.

Charlie looked at her struggling to put the food on the counter.

"Sure you don't" The boy replied sarcastically.

Charlie helped Violet load all the food onto the counters, much to her dismay.

She did appreciate the help though. She just wished it was someone else helping her.

The two silently worked together. Violet gathered plates from the cupboard, while Charlie grabbed cutlery and napkins.

After everything was all sorted they agreed that Charlie should carry in the food and Violet the rest.

"Who's hungry!" The blonde yelled as the two teens walked back into the living room, their hands full.

Like scavengers everyone flocked the pair until their was nothing left in their arms.

"Well that was easy enough" said Charlie.

Violet just looked at him, fed up with his presence.

The boy watched as she turned away from him and went to sit back in her seat. He followed after her, his eyes not leaving her.

He didn't know why or how, but something was different about her tonight. Albeit nothing had changed and he knew that, she was still her annoying, insufferable self, but he knew that something was different in his mind.

He felt that it was probably nothing and sat back down next to her. He figured that everything would go back to normal tomorrow, he wouldn't have these confusing thoughts any longer.

Thank god, he thought.

In the back of his mind, however, did he truly want anything to change.

A couple hours past and the group of teens were still sat in Dior's living room. The only source of light emitting from the fireplace, which inside roared with flames that filled the room with warmth and coziness as the laughter from the friends basked the room with joy.

The film had ended about an hour ago, so they were all chatting and snacking on whatever food was left.

Violet was wrapped up in a blanket, sitting in the same place on the sofa between Momona and Charlie.

As everyone was conversing, she was deep in thought.

She was thinking of how lucky she was to have such a great group of friends. Friends who would always be there for her and comfort her when times were tough. She loved the way she could be truly be herself around them. Violet was so grateful she found them. She was even grateful for Charlie at times, well actually she's still working on that one.

About an hour later Violet was back home. The group decided to leave after everyone started to realise how late it was getting.

Will gave her a lift back home, aswell as Charlie, Violet was too tired to argue about it and it seemed he was too as he didn't say a word after they left Diors. The girl appreciated that as she didn't think she could deal with him yapping in her ear all the way home.

Curled up in her bed ready to go to sleep Violet decided to post a quick pic on her story.



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𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭, Charlie BushnellWhere stories live. Discover now