| 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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The three teens arrived at Dior's door. Before any of them had a chance to knock the door flew open revealing the girl.

"Where have you guys been? Everyone's already here!" she laughed letting them in.

"Sorry that was my fault i took a wrong turn"

"Of course you did Will" Dior playfully rolled her eyes.

"Look who finally showed up" spoke Dior as the four of them walked into the living room.

"Violet!" the other guys shouted once they spotted her.

"I missed you guys so much it's scary" the blonde said as everyone hugged and greeted her.

Violet loved her friends.

"Okay so we've already ordered pizza and a chinese" Xochitl said to the group that just arrived.

"and Dior got a shitload of popcorn and snacks so i think we're gonna be full for the next month" Walker added as everyone laughed.

"That's great guys thank you"

"Just don't let Bushnell near the pizza this time i think i might actually kill him if he eats it all again" Violet retorted as she sat down on the sofa next to Momona.

"Shut up" Charlie quipped sitting down next to her.

There was no other spaces okay?

"I'm being so serious, if i so much as see you looking at the pizza i'll hit you with Will's car" she replied turning to look at him.

"You don't even have your license!"

"Exactly so who knows how much damage i'll do" she smugly folded her arms as Charlie scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Dior came in with all the snacks as Walker and Aryan made sure to snatch the majority of them before she even had a chance to put them down onto the coffee table.

"C'mon guys, save some for the rest of us" Leah said half-annoyed, half-ammused.

"Leah, we're growing boys we need our nutrients" Walker sassily quipped.

"Twizzlers and Oreo's are your nutrients?"


Momona grabbed the remote laughing, "Anyone got any movie suggestions?" she asked flicking through Netflix.

"Ooo can we watch a rom-com?"

"Be serious Nichols, i am not watching a rom-com"

"Great! Leave!"

"I'm not leaving"


"Haha you're so funny" Charlie replied sarcastically.

"I know"




"Why don't we watch a Disney film?" Xochitl said, desperate to stop the two teens bickering.

"Oh my god yes"

"That's perfect"


A few more choruses of agreement were thrown about so, Momona clicked onto Disney+ and started browsing through the Disney movies.

"What about Tangled?" She asked.

Violet got excited, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" "That's my all time favourite Disney princess movie, we have to watch it"

After getting everyone else's approval Momona clicked play.

Violet grabbed some popcorn and emptied the bag into a bowl. She also got some gummy bears, m&m's and strawberry bonbons and mixed them into the popcorn.

Charlie just looked at her, his expression said it all.

"What? I'm hungry" She shrugged and turned back to focus on the TV.

Charlie laughed a little, however he didn't look away.

He quickly realised he was staring and turned around to watch the film, ignoring the feeling in his stomach.

The movie had been on for awhile but Charlie was distracted.

He found his eyes glancing back in Violet's direction again.

He was focused on her.

The way the light from the screen danced in her eyes, how she was so fixated on the movie in front of her that her eyebrows creased together a little, the way the corners of her mouth perked up into a smile as she watched along.

Everything about her was so alluring.

He hadn't realised it before but even in a room as dimly lit as the one they were in, she still shone.

Charlie snapped out of whatever daze he was in.

What the fuck , he thought.

He didn't know how long he'd been staring for, but he did know it was awhile because when he looked round the room he made eye contact with Dior. A smirk playfully tugging at her lips as she raised her eyebrows at him, laughing silently to herself before focusing back on the movie.

After about 20 minutes the doorbell rang.

"That's probably the food" Dior said.

"I'll go get it" Violet replied as she got up and made her way to the front door.

Dior watched as Charlie looked at the blonde girl leaving the room, a certain look on his face. A look she couldn't quite decipher, but she definitely could take a good guess at what is what about.

"Charlie why don't you go help her"

The boy looked at her strangely, yet to realise what she was doing.

"I think Nichols can manage just fine"

"She can, but she might need an extra pair of hands"

"Why don't you go then?"

"Um i don't know if you noticed but i've got a sleeping Aryan on me right now, i can't move"

Charlie had only just noticed Aryan sleeping soundly on Dior's lap "Oh right"


Realising he had no choice, Charlie got up from his spot on the sofa and made his way to the front door to help the girl he hated.

Dior smirked to herself. She was going to have so much fun with this.


𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭, Charlie BushnellWhere stories live. Discover now