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I gave a loud sneeze.

I missed three days of school due to illness. Although I have a lot of unfinished work, Michele helps me by telling me what lesson they're in so I can stay up to date. What a kind grandma she is.

I was in the kitchen, preparing some lime juice to help me get over this ridiculous cold.

Michele asked, pointing to the glass of lime I was drinking, "What's that?"

I said, "Just some cold remedy."

"Mom doesn't use those kinds of remedies, she prefer to bring us to the doctors" she stated.
I'm a mischievous child, so my mother was apprehensive to make me one since she utilized herbal remedies for coughs and colds back in Mexico. Every time I got sick from being drenched in rain, Mom would become upset.

"Descamps is being unusual since you were absent. He was easily pissed and also doing cutting classes but gladly he didn't punch anyone. It's like he's mad at his self" Michele stated without showing any emotion.

"Speaking of Descamps, he was held by the last subjects teacher yesterday. He give me his notebook and ordered me to give it to you since you didn't attend. I believed he copied some note for you" she remarked while making herself a cup of tea.

I remained quiet.

"Really? Why is that?" I ask myself as I watch the outside world via the glass.

She raises an eyebrow and says, "I don't know, maybe you tell me. Why did he do that?" Her tone is mocking.

It's my fault. I told him falsehoods. He felt let down. Why? His actions always baffle me.

Why would it harm his feelings if he hates me?

When I finished my lime juice, I sighed.

Again Michele inquired, "What's wrong?"

I give her a face as though I didn't hear her.

"Are you aware of what became of him?" Michele asked, looking curiously at me.

I give a headshake.

"I'm not involving my self with him"

Once more, I lied.
I tried so hard to divert my attention, but I was unable. It felt sinful to let him go. No, the thought of never touching his face again made me feel as though my breath would be taken.


I was able to go to school this time at last.

As soon as I set foot on campus, I could sense the pressure.

What if I'm hated by him?
What if he becomes enraged with me forever?

No, I can't allow that to occur. I, for one, will be the one avoiding him by all means.
I entered the classroom first because I arrived before Michele.

I quickly went to my desk to finish the homework I had missed.

I noticed his notebook immediately when I opened my backpack. I took it out cautiously and opened it.

Although tidy, his handwriting was a little challenging to read. Not too horrible.

As I read his notes, I laughed, but why did he try to force me to borrow his? Why? I don't get it
him and his overwhelming tactics.

I scowled as I replicated each one.

When the bell rings, I look up to see guys and girls moving slowly into the room.
My angel, there he is. He is my personal angel, not a real angel. However, he's also a devil; you could argue that he's descended from Lucifer.

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