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September 1963

" Tales of an endless heart
Cursed is the fool who's willing
Can't change the way we are
One kiss away from killing "

[ From now own, starting from this chapter until the last chapter will be Celestine's POV, I've made a mistake. Writing in Third POV is bothersome so yeah, I'm sorry haha just go with the flow :)) ]



I wake up slowly from a deep sleep, smack my head lightly, and glance at my watch.

9: 50? How in the hell? I'm running behind!

I gather my belongings as fast as I can and head off, knowing that I will undoubtedly be recorded absent.
Despite my intention to skip class, I felt guilty because it was my first day.
I mean, I didn't give the consequences of missing the third lesson a second thought; the final lecture in the morning might have saved my life.

I bolted upstairs to my classroom.

Exhausted, I muttered, "Shit! Shit! Shit!" as I stepped inside. I stooped to catch my breath.
When I turned to glance around, I noticed some students who weren't my classmates.


I must be in the wrong room.
Clara informed me of the room number, so even if those aren't my classmates, I'm positive that this is my classroom.

"Ms. Magnan, are you going to get your attendance absent?"

'Miss what?'

My brows knitted, "Uhm...Am I in the wrong room?" How in the world did she just refer to me as Miss Magnan?

My reply infuriated the old witch teacher, who was ready to strike me out of my soul.
I fired a rapid shot at the man who was holding back its laughter. Looking at me, the glasses-wearing guy in the white polo shirt persuades his friend that I looks like a lost widow who doesn't remember how I got there. I had a feeling that guy was somehow familiar.

'That guy with the one eye patch is that one?'

What on earth is going on?

I looked around the entire class and my world stopped. Michele Magnan paid attention to me! But hold on—what? These folks seem familiar from the photo album, don't they? How in the world is she in this place? Has my great-grandmother stood up from her grave or perhaps had a rebirth?

"Miss Magnan, I am not playing games anymore. Get back to your seat or else I'll call your Dad"

'Girl what?'

I couldn't comprehend what was happening, even though I didn't object. I think the seat next to the window that I saw empty is mine.

'Have I traveled across time? However, how is that even possible?'

It was not until I started studying with my grandmother that I began to believe in such things. But why was I called "Magnan" by the teacher? How am I related to Michele, I wonder?

I didn't realize something was wrong with the boys since I was so disturbed.

"Do you think it's funny, Mr. Laubrac?"
I look away from the student as I hear their teacher's annoyance as he crumples the little paper.
"So, Mr. Nobody's son is graduating?" the boy said. "It's Laubrac, Sir," the child replied right away.

I saw the glasses-wearing boy snickering.

'I thought he would be a bad boy type, but I was surprised by how insolent he was'

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