CHAPTER 25 :- Feng Junfeng :- ".....I hope you will finish it. Eat well."

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Gu Ningning looks at the back of the girl and remember the words of Qin Xiāng from morning.

"Good morning Teacher Gu." Qin Xiāng comes to Gu Ningning with troubled look on her pretty face.

"Good morning Qin Xiāng." She greets her back warmly. Gu Ningning is a very ambiguous woman and as a teacher she values her good students. Qin Xiāng is one of Gu Ningning's treasured students.

"Teacher there is something I want to ask from you." Qin Xiāng speaks with respectful voice.

"Sure Qin Xiāng ask, what is it you are curious about?"

"Well mam I have a sister her name is Chu Xiù, and she is in Senior Year Three Class 9. Do you know her?"

Hearing about Class 9 Gu Ningning smiling face turned sour as if she had just bitten a particularly sour lemon. "I know that young Indian girl who transferred few days ago. So what happened to her?"

"Teacher Gu she is my sister. Before coming here she studied in a private school in India, and we also came to know that she had always had average scores. Now that she has transferred here maybe she is having difficulty with learning process here, that's why I thought maybe you could help her?" Qin Xiāng explains her concerns in low worried voice.

Gu Ningning ponder over Qin Xiāng words for few moments before speaking "Alright I will try to look after your Sister for you. You can go back to your classroom with ease."

"Thanks Teacher Gu." Qin Xiāng smiles warmly and leaves from there.

Thinking about how concerned her precious student is for this Chu Xiù Gu Ningning sighs and shakes her head. 'This arrogant and uncivilized girl really isn't worthy of someone's concern, especially from a well-behaved, refined & elegant girl like Qin Xiāng.'

Gu Ningning goes back to podium and rebukes the remaining students. "What's up with this rejected faces? If you're that concerned about that girl you can also leave the class."

Hearing those words the students of Class 9 was furious especially Wen Tinglan and his friends were really annoyed, but there are students who want to study thats why they stayed silent.

Gu Ningning has always loathed the students from Class 9 because they are the biggest obstacle in her career. She never let go any chances to insult Class 9.

And now also she deliberately made Chu Xiù leave the class. "Let's Continue then..."


Chu Xiù leaves the classroom and directly goes to the principal's office. She knocks on the office door.

"Come in." A serious cold voice comes out giving the permission.

Chu Xiù comes in and see some familiar faces in the office and sighs with somewhat irritated look. 'Seriously?!'

"Hello Little girl what a coincidence, are you bunking the classes?" Feng Junfeng is sitting in one seated sofa in the room. He is wearing Navy Blue Shirt paired with Black trousers. His sleeves rolled up to his elbow exposing his strong arms. He is look at Chu Xiù with a warm but teasing smile.

'What a demon!'

"No Mr.Feng I am actually kicked out of the class." Chu Xiù walks towards him and sits on the other one seated sofa beside him and answers calmly.

Sūn Cheung who is sitting the other side is stunned by looking at the two big Buddha's warm solder. 'Am I dreaming?!' He thinks with his eyes out of socket.

[Cough!-Cough!] Ding Dishi who is equally surprised, composes himself and clears his throat attracting Chu Xiù's and Feng Junfeng's attention.

"Xiao Xiù how are you doing? & How come you know Mr.Feng?" Ding Dishi asks looking a bit worried.

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