There was a small silence in the group.

"I don't get it," Kaminari muttered.

Kirishima shrugged. "You don't have to, it's his tattoo."

I observed the redhead with a calculating look. His eyes were sincere. He knew exactly what it meant, but he was keeping it to himself. God, Kirishima had to be one of the nicest people I had ever met. What the hell was up with that? How does someone just... do that?

"Yeah, alright," Kaminari said, rubbing at his head. "So, can we see the other one now?!" He exclaimed, seeming to have been anxiously waiting for the reveal.

"I really don't understand the excitement, it's horrible." I couldn't help chuckling as I stood, thinking about the morning after I'd received it. I went into full blown panic mode, knowing my mom would kill me when she saw it.

In light of all my other grievances, she didn't even bat an eye when she finally did see the tattoo.

I slipped out of my t-shirt easily, turning around so they could all see the chicken scratch on my shoulder blade.

"Dori?" Kaminari asked, his confused voice becoming familiar at that point.

"Yeah, it's the nickname Todoroki gave me years ago. Not only is it part of my name, but I was a really forgetful kid," I said with a laugh.

"Wow, you weren't kidding about it being shitty, you can barely read that," Bakugou said with amusement in his voice.

Ashido shrugged. "I think it's cute, but if you don't like it, I can easily cover it up for you," she offered.

I threw my shirt back on. "No, never." My voice was firm and caught a few of them off guard.

She smiled at me. "Good. I hate covering up other peoples art, just feel gross, ya know?" She stuck her tongue out like there was a bad taste in her mouth.

I nodded, knowing how she felt. It's the same reason you don't cover someone else's tag when spray painting, it's just a dick move.

Just then, my phone start buzzing. I was getting a call and almost groaned thinking it was my mom. I'd have to come up with a lie for why I wasn't home. But when I saw the caller I.D. I let out a small scream.

"What the fuck?" Bakugou asked, pushing himself to sit up.

"She has a sixth sense! I swear to god, she knows! Someone else answer it! I'm not answer it!" I yelled, throwing my phone away from me.

"Who the fuck are you talking about?" Bakugou asked angrily. Damn, he's always angry.

"His mom?" Sero asked, looking at the phone Kirishima has just caught.

"Would he have his mom in his phone as "Tilt-A-Hurl"?" He asked, showing the screen.

"Answer it before it goes to voicemail, that'll just piss her off more," I said cryptically.

Kirishima looked between me and my phone, before hitting the answer button. "Hello, Midobro's phone."

I facepalmed.

He pulled the phone away from his ear as the muffled shouting began. He clicked the speaker button like an absolute bafoon.


I knew then that I had to speak up. "Ura! Oh my fucking god, I'm fine."

"Izuku! Hi! I miss you! Come home."

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