"So when you took Diaspro's powers away you were keeping us safe?" Charmaine says.

"Yes, and we have done a lot more to keep the universe safe too," Bloom says.

"That's right, King Sky asked other royals to meet with you, can you tell me what you talked about?" Charmaine asks.

"Saladin, the Headmaster of Red Fountain told us 'Rulers protect their kingdom, but it's up to them to decide how big they want the kingdom to be'. So Bloom and I decided that our kingdom is going to be all the Magic Universe," Sky says.

"What Sky means is that all the royals of the Magic Universe agreed that they will still rule over their planets while the Winx and Specialists protect the universe. We have talked to King Erendor and only when Sky and I are needed he and Queen Samara will fill in," Bloom explains.

"And what about your home world of Domino?" Charmaine asks.

"My parents and Daphne will handle Domino," Bloom says.

"That's all the time we have and I'm sure you still have much to do, thank you for taking the time to explain what really happened and your plans for being rulers," Charmaine says before signing off.

"And we're done," the cameraman says.

"Thank you again for doing this, we were all a little confused about why you banished Diaspro," Charmaine says.

"Trust me, I have been back and forth asking if I made the right decision but explaining it to you made me realize I did," Bloom says.

"I can't wait to see what else you do, a royal who lived two different lives must have a lot to bring from Earth," Charmaine says.

"Thank you," Bloom says.

"Charmaine, we gotta go," the cameraman says.

"Bentlee will walk you out," Bloom says.

They follow the steward out of the throne room.

"Stella just texted and the Winx are waiting in the hall," Brandon says.

"Okay," Sky says.

They walk into the hall.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Bloom asks.

"Musa needs to talk to us," Tecna says.

"Okay, let's go into the conference room," Bloom says.

The ten of them walk into the conference room.

"What's going on?" Bloom asks Musa.

"I still haven't used my Sirenix wish because I didn't know what to wish for, but I think I do, I'm just not sure how to approach it."

"Well we can't help unless we know what it is," Stella says.

"I think I am going to use my wish to save Sapphire," Musa says.

"What?" Tecna asks.

"I lost my mom and I know it would be selfish to bring her back and I can't bring Icy's mom back, but I can ask to make Sapphire human," Musa says.

"That's a great wish Musa," Flora says.

"But maybe you should talk to Icy about it, this affects her," Bloom suggests.

"Brandon, could you go get Icy?" Sky asks.

"Of course," Brandon says before leaving.

Bloom walks away from the group.

"Bloom, you okay Sweetie?" Stella asks.

"It's complicated, I know that Daphne is back to herself and the Sirenix curse is gone but anytime I hear about a sister being cursed," Bloom can't finish the statement.

"It brings back the feeling of helplessness you had before we got our Sirenix wishes," Tecna joins in.

"Exactly," Bloom responds.

"Don't worry Bloom, we have Ultimix now, we just have to figure out all it can do, it is uncharted territory," Aisha says.

"Apparently Kiko got to her first," Brandon comes in holding a frozen Kiko.

"Bring him here so I can warm him up," Bloom says summoning some of her Dragon Flame.

Brandon gives Bloom her rabbit and she melts the ice away.

"Sorry Bloom, I wasn't sure what your rabbit wanted, he was just jumping around and scaring Sapphire," Icy comes in cradling Sapphire in her arms.

"It's okay," Bloom says.

"So, why did you want me?"

"We may not be able to save Dyamond at the moment but I haven't used my Sirenix wish and I was thinking about using it to turn Sapphire back to normal," Musa says.

"Wait, why didn't I get a wish when Tritanus gave me Dark Sirenix?" Icy asks.

"Because he stole my sisters powers to give to you and we got it the right way," Bloom says.

"Anyway, we want to know if you'd be okay with me using my wish to help you get your sister back?" Musa asks another way.

"Yes," Icy says putting Sapphire on the ground.

"Sirenix box," Musa calls.

Her box appears and opens releasing her guardian.

"Hello Musa, are you finally ready to make your wish?" The guardian asks.

"Yes, I wish to turn Icy's sister Sapphire into a human again," Musa says her wish.

"That is a beautiful wish and destiny will grant it," Musa's guardian says.

They all watch as the white fox turns into a human.

"Icy!" Sapphire runs up to her sister.

"Thank you Musa," Icy says holding her sister.

"You're welcome," Musa responds.

"I have to ask, how is it that you guys are always able to defeat all your enemies even Valtor," Icy says.

"Because contrary to what witches believe good magic is a lot stronger," Flora says.

"Maybe you can talk to Faragonda and see about enrolling at Alfea," Bloom suggests.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Stella asks.

"Faragonda was one of the members of the company of light, I'm sure if Icy explains the situation she will understand," Bloom says.

"My mom use to say 'Destiny is all about the choices we make and the chances we take'," Musa says.

"If Icy wants to change her destiny it's up to her to take the first step," Flora says.

"But if I were to go to Alfea I will have to stay there, what about Sapphire, she can't come with," Icy says.

"The offer still stands, you and Sapphire will always have a home here at the castle, even when the Winx save Dyamond," Sky says.

"I'll think about it, truly think about it. But right now Sapphire and I have some catching up to do," Icy says.

"Come on Icy," Sapphire pulls her sister out of the room.

"Finally, we have our happy ending and were able to get Icy closer to her's," Bloom smiles.

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