A Breakfast Talk

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"Good morning Princess," Bloom's maid wakes her up.

"Good morning," Bloom gets up.

The three maids start getting her ready and are about to make her fall.

"Okay you three, I can take it from here," Daphne's voice comes from the doors.

The maids leave the room.

"Thanks, Daphne," Bloom says to her sister.

"Well, I'm always going to be your guardian," Daphne walks over.

"Can you grab my favorite dress?" Bloom says throwing the dress the maids picked out over her head.

"Here you go little sister," Daphne says giving Bloom a light blue and pink dress.

"Thanks," Bloom says taking the dress.

There is a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Daphne says.

"You know who can come in this early," Bloom says.

Daphne nods.

"Hello Daphne, breakfast is almost ready. What about Bloom?" Marian asks.

"It's only Mom," Daphne says allowing her mother to come in.

"Morning Mom," Bloom says putting her shoes on.

"Everything okay Dear? Why aren't your maids helping you?"

"I know that I'm a princess now and I don't mind the responsibilities. But Mom I have grown up to be independent, I don't like having people choose my clothes."

"What do you mean?"

"Get woken up by my maids and they just choose everything for me, as if I am some doll," Bloom says walking over to her mother.

"Mom, Bloom is right. Bloom is a unique princess. She was raised by humans and that is part of her, possibly the best part, we shouldn't take that away."

"Let's go talk with your father, I'm sure he will listen to you," Marian says taking her youngest daughter's hands in her own.

"Thanks, Mom," Bloom smiles.

"Your Majesties, breakfast is ready," the castle steward knocks on the door.

"Thank you, James," Marian says as she opens the door.

Bloom has worry written across her face.

"Don't worry Bloom, Dad will understand."

"Thanks, Daphne," Bloom gives a weak smile.

"There are my girls, all three of them," Oritel smiles standing up.

"Let's eat," Marian smiles.

The four of them sit down.

Bloom takes a few bites and then just picks at her eggs.

"Not hungry Bloom?" Oritel asks noticing that his daughter isn't eating.

"No, I am, I just have a lot on my mind."

"Go on and ask him, Bloom," Marian encourages.

"Ask me what?"

"Daddy, can we get more maids or at least retrain the maids?"

"What do you mean?"

"I love that I have help but the maids are being too helpful for me," Bloom says.

Oritel gives a confused face.

"You may want to explain it like you did with Mom," Daphne suggests.

"Dad, I grew up on Earth, Mike and Vanessa raised me to be independent. The maids are treating me like a doll."

"Dad, Bloom is right. She is a unique princess, she didn't grow up in a castle, her past is part of who she is, you can't take that away from her."

"But it's how everything has been done."

"Oritel, Bloom isn't happy, do you know that every day since she and Thoren returned, Daphne has basically saved the maids from almost being struck by the Dragon Flame."


"Trust me Dad, if I have to be told what to wear another day I might be angry enough to use it."

"I guess having more maids would actually help," Oritel says.

"Thank you, Daddy," Bloom smiles and returns to eating her food.

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