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Please know that I will wait, my love, for as long as it takes. I will be there everyday. For even in the darkest night, the memory of your smile is the promise of dawn.

With all my love,



The letter crumpled in Cicely's fist, the scent of jasmine ink clinging to her trembling fingers. Tears, shimmering like scattered diamonds, traced their way down her flushed cheeks, leaving wet tracks on the ivory pages. Each word resonated within her, a searing symphony of love, regret, and the bittersweet sting of truth.

The initial wave of anger, sharp and venomous, had ebbed away, replaced by a maelstrom of emotions swirling within her. Betrayal, yes, that bitter pill still lingered, but it was overshadowed by a deeper, aching empathy. Euna's vulnerability, laid bare on the page, was a mirror reflecting Cicely's own. Fear, the crippling monster that gnawed at both their hearts, had twisted their paths, erecting walls where bridges should have been built.

Cicely closed her eyes, picturing Euna's distraught face beneath the city lights, the phantom echo of her whispered plea on the phone. Bella's threat, a poisonous whisper slithering through the shadows, had held them hostage, fear its cruel puppeteer.

For so long, Cicely had dreamt of love conquering all, but reality, it seemed, held a different script. Her dreams of forever, whispered against the backdrop of applause and starlight, felt tinged with the bitter taste of what could have been.

Yet, amidst the wreckage of disappointment, a flicker of hope refused to be extinguished. Euna's love, raw and unwavering, shone through the cracks in the shattered facade. Her plea, simple yet profound, resonated with a yearning Cicely couldn't deny.

The cafe with the chipped mugs and the cinnamon air. Their haven, a testament to stolen moments and shared dreams. Could they, after all this pain, return to that fragile sanctuary? Could love, once fractured, be mended by the shared vulnerability of truth?

Cicely looked out the window, watching the first rays of dawn paint the sky. The darkness of night, heavy with secrets and sorrow, was giving way to the promise of a new day.

With a shaky breath, Cicely wiped her tears, her heart a fragile vessel overflowing with conflicting emotions. Euna's words echoed in her head, a siren song beckoning her towards the unknown. Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and got ready to leave.

Tonight, under the watchful gaze of a thousand twinkling stars, they would meet.

Letters I never sent | Englot AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang