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My dearest Cicely,

I know you must hate me. You have every right. The lie I told you, the cruel silence that followed, it was a knife I plunged into your heart, twisted by my own fear and desperation. I owe you the truth, raw and unvarnished, you deserve that much.

That night, beneath the twinkling expanse of the city, I was coming to you. Every fiber of my being yearned for your touch, for the echo of your laughter in the wind. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Bella found out. She threatened your career, your dreams, with the whisper of a scandal.

I crumbled, Cicely. I let the fear, the terror of being the reason for your downfall, drown out the love that roared in my veins. I told you I couldn't make it, a lie that choked me with every breath.

Forgive me, Cicely. Forgive me for being so weak, for letting fear dictate my actions. You deserve a love that stands tall in the face of adversity, a love that doesn't flinch at shadows. And I, my love, I failed you. I failed spectacularly.

But know this, I love you, Cicely. I love you more than words can express, more than the flickering lights of a thousand premieres, more than the applause that fades into the night.

I understand if you cannot forgive me. I understand if you walk away, if you choose to write me out of your story. But please, Cicely, believe that my heart belongs to you, and it always will.

If you ever find it in your heart to read these words, if there's even a flicker of the love that burned so brightly between us, meet me at our cafe. The one with the chipped mugs and the aroma of cinnamon that always reminds me of your smile. Come, not as a star, not as a victim, but simply as Cicely, the woman who stole my heart and showed me the meaning of forever.

Please know that I will wait, my love, for as long as it takes. I will be there everyday. For even in the darkest night, the memory of your smile is the promise of dawn.

With all my love,


Letters I never sent | Englot AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon