The One Where The Atlanteans Bash Some Heads

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Warning: This might be a very long chappie!

Third Person POV

Rourke immediately began his work in the volcano. A mercenary pulled a rope on a canon that was pointed upwards. The ash that had encircled the group was struck by a bomb that was shot up at an alarming rate.

Boulders of all sizes came throwing down in a smoky heap. He climbed a rock and stared up at the ceiling, which was now lighting up his only way out.

"I love it when I win." Unbeknownst to the commander, the rescue team were hot on his trail and they entered the tunnel at high speed. With a wagon secured to the ground, a lever was pulled and a hot air balloon in the shape of a rocket was released.

"Okay, here's the plan," Milo called out. "We're going to come in low and fast and take them by surprise." "Well, I've got news for you Milo.
Rourke is never surprised and he's got a lot of guns," Audrey added.

"Great, well do you have any suggestions?" "Yeah, don't get shot!" Vinny shouted. The hot air balloon was all set. Underneath it, the tank containing the princess was hooked onto a very strong metal chain and they were lifted out of the second truck.

"There they are!" Madeleine shouted and pointed. "We've got company!" Rourke yelled. Shots were discharged every which way. Rourke's troopers aimed at the rescue team and sought shelter when needed. Rourke was busy getting into the hot air balloon by scaling a ladder.

"Holy smokes! You told me he only had guns!" Milo cried out, leaning back to dodge a bullet. "What I said was, he's never surprised," Audrey remarked. Vinny stabilized himself by pressing his palm against the pad whilst being shot at. His vehicle launched a blue lightning flare at the wagons below, causing an explosion.

Flashing a grin of surprise, he glanced at the Atlantean rider adjacent to him. "Okay, now things are getting good." "Vinny! Heads up! We can't let them reach the top of that shaft" Milo yelled, appearing from behind.

Milo was ambushed suddenly, forcing him to fly away, but he intended to ride alongside him. Amidst the chaos, Mrs Packard appeared to be living it up by snapping pictures with her camera.

Milo caught up to Vinny again. "Vinny, new plan. You and me, we're going to be decoys. Audrey, Maddy, Sweet, fly up underneath that thing and cut Kida loose," he ordered. "We're on it," Sweet gave a thumbs up. The rescue team implemented their new plan, heading towards the hot air balloon.

"Lieutenant!" Rourke snapped. Helga immediately aimed her weapon and fired. Audrey was hacking away at the chains beneath the basket with Sweet's saw. "I thought you said this thing could cut through a femur in 28 seconds!" Madeleine yelled at Sweet who was holding the container upright. "Mads, less talk, more saw!" he snapped.

Even though Rourke had the biggest gun he had, the lightning strike that took it out of his hands rendered it useless. He gave Vinny a glare, and Vinny gave the commander a salute.

When she ran out of bullets, Helga dashed her C-96 in frustration as Rourke said "Looks like somebody's working overtime," he pointed down to Audrey, Madeleine and Sweet. Helga immediately untied a portion of the balloon's machinery, sending the metal device crashing into the vehicle which exploded in flames.

"Come on girls, time's up," Sweet grabbed a hold of Audrey's overalls and the collar of Madeleine's nightgown, pulling the girls to safety. "Alright Milo. This is it, any last words?" Milo rubbed his hands together, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I really wish I had a better idea than this!"

He gripped the controls and steered his vehicle towards the balloon, jumping off and clinging to a loose line of rope and his vehicle crashed into the balloon. "We're losing altitude. Lighten the load," Rourke demanded. Helga tossed over a metal canister with ease. "That's it. Unless someone wants to jump," she said, unaware of the disloyalty that was brewing behind her.

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