The One With Underwater Murals

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Madeleine's POV

After what felt like forever, we resurfaced at a tiny air pocket. "Are you two alright?" Kida asked the two of us. Milo sprung out of the water, hitting his head on a metal plate.
Quickly checking his head for any injuries, I answered the question.

"Well, we haven't drowned yet, so
yeah " "Good!" Taking another breath of air, Kida re-entered the water, leaving us to do the same. Once we reached our destination, Milo and I read the engravings with the help of Kida's crystal supplying light for us to see.

Eventually, we swam back and they headed towards the air pocket again. "It's amazing!" I exclaimed. "A complete history of Atlantis! "I-It's just like how Plato described. Well, I mean he was off on a few details, but-" Milo chattered.

"-The light that I saw. The star in the middle of the city, what does the writing say about that?" Kida interrupted. "I don't know yet, but we're gonna find out... C'mon!"

As I gently grabbed Kida's arm, she pulled the light towards the left, causing Milo to follow, and we found different engravings that found different engravings that didn't match the overall aesthetic of the mural. Once Milo and I finished reading, we headed up for the air again.

Taking heavy breaths, I waited for Milo to begin explaining. "It's the heart of Atlantis..."

"What?" Kida asked.

"It's the heart of Atlantis! That's what the Shepard was talking about.
It wasn't a star, it was a crystal! Like these," Milo pulled Kida's necklace out from under the water.

"Don't you get it? The power source Maddy and I have been looking for, the bright light you remember, they're the same thing!"

"That cannot be..." Kida replied.

"It's what's keeping all of these things - you! - all of Atlantis, alive." I replied. "Then where is it now?" Kida asked us. Milo frowned. "I don't know, you think something as important as this would've been in the journal but-"

"Milo," I spoke up, interrupting him and in that moment we were thinking the exact same thing.

"The missing page."

Madeleine Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat