• 9 "You knew about this, didn't you?"

515 12 7

Velvet walked back to you and hugged you. "I'm so sorry... he's never acted like this, if I knew what he was doing, I would've came home!" She sounded horrible. "Its—fine," you pause your sentence to yawn. "Is it fine if I sleep? I don't wanna be too tired for your performance tomorrow," you try to act normal and hopefully get the terrible events off your thought train. "I almost forgot about that, we should both get some rest." She headed for her bed and you were about to to leave, "where are you going?" Velvet asks, interrupting the peace in the room. "I'm going to bed?" You ask in a skeptical way. "No, silly, you're sleeping in my bed!"

You were in Velvet's bed and she had brought over your pajama's that Veneer had bought you a few months ago, and Velvet was currently changing. "How do I look!?" She came out of the closet with a seemingly large amount of energy. She had on a long sleeve, fuzzy, flannel top and matching pants. "You look....great!" You muster up the small remaining amount of energy left in your body to form a simple sentence, pausing a second to yawn.

"Yeesh, you should get to bed, you look tired..." Velvet pulled the covers over you and walked to her side of the bed. "Goodnight, luv," she said as she turned her lamp off. "Goodnight, Velvet..." you realized how weird it felt to say her name after calling her "ma'am," for three months.


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"UhG, what time is it?" A breathy groan escapes the person beside you. "It's seven o'clock already? I don't believe it," Velvet mumbles as she throws the sheets off her lap and swings her legs over the side of her bed. I gotta get ready for the concert..."

Velvet stretches her arms and walks to the bathroom to get a shower. "I thought the concert wasn't until 12:30?" You yawn and unwillingly get up from Velvets super comfy bed. "It is, I just wanna look perfect!" She grins as she closes the bathroom door. You laugh at her childish tendencies before picking up your clipboard and checking the schedule for today.

You bring your clipboard to your room to go over as you get ready.
7:30 Velvet and Veneer get ready.
8:00 breakfast
8:30 drive to venue
9:00 check equipment
9:30 mic check
10:00 venue opens
10:30 check clothes and makeup one last time
11:00 hair process
11:30 get ready to go on stage
12:00 intro
12:30 performance
3:00 end of performance
3:30 audience meet-and-greet
5:00 get to production department 1

Jeez, talk about a long day. I guess I should start getting ready for today. You walk into your closet. And look at the clothes you've gotten over the course of you living here. You decide to pull out a loose fitting shirt and some jeans, its not like you were the one meeting people. You slip off your warm and comfy P.J.s, feeling the cold embrace of the early morning air wrap you in an uncomfortable hug.

The small warmth you gain from the clothes is enough to make you happy. You walk out of your room to the lobby to find something to eat. You pull out a skimpy nutrition bar. 'This thing is so lucky that its strawberry flavored or else nobody would have ate it.'

Walking out of the lobby and back over to Velvet's room, you knock on the door. "Do you need anything miss?" You shout through the door, "Nah, we good!" She shouts back over the running shower.

You walk over to Veneer's room and swallow the pulling feeling in your throat. Your stomach switches places with your heart but you remember that your working for both him and Velvet. "Do you need anything, Veneer?" You shout through the door, "(___)? Why are you getting me stuff?" He mumbles barely getting enough voice out for the sound to pass through the door. "Are you okay, I'm still your assistant? You don't sound good." You yell through the door.

The door opens to reveal a messed up Veneer. He had deep purple eye bags, scratch marks all over, and bunches of yellow and purple bruises on his arms and legs. "Oh my goodness, who hurt you?!" You were genuinely concerned.

Veneer pulls out a bright, pink, glowing crystal. 'SHIT!!!'
"What is that?" You can feel your palms get sweaty as you hope he doesn't know. "It-... it makes me weird looking. I don't like how I look when I use it it makes me look raw, and squishy." He says as he twiddles the crystal between his fingers. "What do you mean?" You were super nervous, there was no doubt that he knew, but you didn't know if he knew that you know, long before him.

"Like this," he held the crystal to his chest and a bright light flashed in a circle around him. He was engulfed by the light for a quick second before he turned into something, something he wasn't used to, but something you were.

He turned human.

He didn't have his impossibly long and lanky arms, but instead, he had shorter, more stiff arms, same with his legs. His green hair was no longer noodles, it was now stringy and tangled strands of hair. His eyes were paler and smaller. You gasped at the sight. "You knew about this, didn't you?" He looked at the glowing crystal in his hand. You sigh and take you crystal back. "You weren't ever supposed to know," you whisper.

You hold the pink crystal to your chest and turn back to your normal self. You were saddened by having to end this dream so quickly, but you knew it wasn't safe for him or you here. "You can't stay, they'll find you." You whisper covering your mouth encase they were watching and trying to read your lips. "What about my sister? I can't leave her!" He whisper yells, catching on to the whole, cover-your-mouth thing. "We'll figure it out later, for know just come with me!"

is your refrigerator running?

I'm sorry for not updating sooner, my dog died and I've been going heavy on the sports so I've had no time when I wasn't either on a basketball court or crying to update, again SORRY!!!
I sound like my momma using exclamation marks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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