• 8 Nailia and Riley

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Velvet climbed beside you in my bed and you lay your head on her shoulder, you didn't need to lean much considering she was very tall. "You're a very good assistant." Velvet was definitely saying some very weird things. By now, you weren't still forcefully crying, but your face was still sticky and puffy.

You have to think about your words for a bit, but before you were done planing your sentence, you spit out, "Why are you being nice all of a sudden?" It was meant to be nicer, but it sounded horribly mean. You felt terrible. "Omg, I'm so sorry Ma'a-," you were quickly met with her words, "You're fine sweetheart, I know I'm not the kindest with my words, but I felt horrible that I had been treating you mean. When I saw you come out of my brothers room lookin' sad, I thought that we were both being mean to you and that you might quit, and that thought made me think about how much you've been able to prove to me in the short months you've worked here."

And with that conversation, you and Velvet had a friends night together. That wasn't your idea, she said that it would be a FRIENDS night. You were now in Velvet's room talking about your childhoods. "When I was little, I was super tall," Velvet said. "I figured," respond morally to yourself. "And I played basketball a lot, but I went to a super small pubic school so our options were limited for players and I was stuck with kids that were either on the sidelines doing nothing, or struggling to run."

Velvet seemed very good at this whole, "being mean," thing. "Oh, but there was this super good person who I talked to a lot. I don't remember their name, but they looked a lot like you," she turns her body toward you. Since you were lying in her bed she had to turn her whole body to face you fully.

Something made you think back to your elementary years. You also, coincidentally, went to a super small public school. You also happen to play basketball. You were ALSO very good at basketball. YOU ALSO happen to talk to the super tall girl that was the only other good player on your team. "I would say that would be me, but the girl I talked to was named Nailia." You say, only being able to recall her name because of how relatable she was. Velvet's eyes widened, showing signs of excitement. "You're never gunna believe this, but I, actually, legally changed my name from Nailia, to VELVET!" Putting two and two together, you realized that you went to school with mini-Velvet.

Velvet had shared that she and Veneer dyed their hair and that they were both originally blondes. Velvet pulled her phone out and scrolled to an album from about 10 years ago, she would've been 14. She had about shoulder length blonde hair (Ik she has green hair when a child in the movie, bear with me.)

"Can I ask you a question?" Velvet's tone changed to a sadder one. "Yeah?" You were skeptical of the quick change in tone from her, but you were ready for the worst. "Why did you come out of Veneer's room crying with no shirt on? He didn't touch you, did he?!" She sat bolt upright and looked at you with concerned eyes. "Well, uh, not in his room..." Velvet sat up more and moved closer to you.

"(___), you're gonna tell me what he did to you," She had a very commanding tone to her voice. "We-ll," you hold back the uprising tears in your eyes, "When you were gone shopping the other day, Veneer pretended to be drunk with a spray thingy, like it made his breath smell like he was drinking, and I went into the kitchen to make him food and while I was against the counter he pushed me forward and pressed his body on mine," Velvet was listening, a rising anger in her body was very clearly shone on her facial expressions. "And I was scared that if I said anything that he would hurt me because I thought he was drunk, and then today he tried to pretend again and stole my shirt, and thats when I saw the spray stuff on his desk," you were out of breath and crying. Velvet wiped your tears and brought back a glass of water for you.

Velvet excused herself to the bathroom, "I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be back!" She rushed out the door, but as soon as she was out, you realized she wasn't going to the bathroom.

"RILEY DEVONTAE MARCEL!!!!!!" (Thats Veneer's real name in this story, I used a name generator, sorry if thats your name!) You got out of bed, not to protect Veneer, or Riley, you wanted to listen to the conversation.

You stayed in the room encase they were in the hall, but you heard Veneer's door close so you assumed they were in his room. You slowly open the door and tip-toe to Veneer's room. You sit near the wall so you could hear the conversation.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!!!?? What makes you think you can touch a person without her consent?!," "listen, sis, it was a joke, I never meant for it to go that far!" "Jokes are supposed to be funny, RILEY, s€xu@l @$$u|t isn't funny!!" "What are you talking about I didn't s-... oh gosh." Riley sounded like he just realized what he did. He might've, you don't know or care. "I'm a horrible person... what have I done?!" "You're gonna go out to that room and your gonna apologize to that beautiful person before I rip your fuckin throat out, you got it?" That was your cue to leave.

You rush back to your room and jump onto the bed, pretending like you had been there the entire time. You heard footsteps coming towards your room. You weren't sure who it was or if it was both on them. "Can I come in?" Veneer sounded like he was crying. "Yeah." You answer through the door.

"I'm so sorry, I realized what I did and how horrible it was, I don't mean harm to you and I sincerely apologize," you heard Velvet tapping her foot outside of the door frame. "And I promise to never disrespect a person ever again." Veneer was having a hard time properly forming words. "Good, now go back to your room" Velvet pointed towards his room and he walked away quickly.

Bye bye, loves.

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