I slinked around behind them to get to Yeonjun's bed where Ambrose was laying, his nose between his paws. I sat down at first, but then got comfortable and laid myself down, Ambrose standing up to reposition himself so his head was on my chest.

The guys were all invested in their game, shoving each other and laughing. I didn't even look at the TV, or them. I kept my eyes on the dog, gently petting his head like I'd pet Honey. His fur was almost as soft as Honey's.

One of the first things I'd noticed about Yeonjun's room was how full and lively it felt. Compared to mine, this place was a vacation. The more I looked around, admiring the photos on the walls, scoffing at the clothes sticking out of his dresser, rolling my eyes at the action figures on the shelf above his bed knowing that I had no idea what they were even from, I realized that my room was more of a prison cell. Empty and lifeless. A lot like me. No, no, I was none of those things, just a little down.

"You're so cute." I whispered to Ambrose, causing his tail to wag gently as it brushed against my ankle. I crossed my ankles to get away from his tail, but it seemed to follow me, making me chuckle under my breath.

"You're not too bad yourself." Kai smirked looking over his shoulder at me. He was right at the end of the bed. I looked up a little and rolled my eyes, but I smiled brightly. I knew he was just joking, but it made me feel good about myself. It made me feel close to him.

He knew I wasn't talking to him, and I knew that too, yet I didn't correct him. I didn't clarify to him that I wasn't talking about him. He was pretty cute, but they all were. Everyone at my school was.

My head fell back down to the pillow. I let my eyes flutter shut as my head fell to my right towards the wall. I was really tired for some reason. Yeah, the guys were being super loud and obnoxious, but I felt like I could actually sleep. I was safe and satisfied.

I don't really remember much of what happened after that. Sleep must've swept me away because all I remember was waking up to all of them jumping on top of me. Ambrose was long gone by then. The whole room was a lot darker as I was shoving and pushing them all off of me.

First, Taehyun fell from the bed, lying limp on the ground. Then Kai did the same, then Soobin, and then it was just Yeonjun on top of me, trying to wrestle with me, holding my one arm down as I tried to lean over to bite his arm to let me go.

After a bit of back and forth, Soobin stood up, the other two guys still playing dead on the ground, and he yanked Yeonjun off of me.

Yeonjun and Soobin bickered a bit, but I couldn't help but laugh as I rolled over onto my stomach, "You have a pretty comfy bed, Yeonjun." I mocked as he glared at me, his eyes quickly being covered by Soobin's hand.

I chuckled a little more as the other two on the floor finally sat up, giving each other a weird look. But then I made eye contact with Taehyun.

My eyes widened slightly as I tried condemning my message to him. He understood, standing up and making up an excuse of having to use the bathroom as he somberly trudged out of the room, dragging his feet behind him.

I stood from the bed, my knees feeling a bit weak from having to fight off the 4 guys, but I quickly made my way out of the room after him. I don't think any of them noticed right away.

"You wanted to talk to me, right?" I stated as I saw him reaching for the bathroom door handle. He froze in place before nodding, continuing to open the door and letting me follow him inside before he shut it behind the both of us.

Lights Are Missing (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now