Leave (Please Don't Hurt Me)

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New Years Day. A day of celebration. So, one brownie wouldn't hurt... right?

Felix had made his amazing brownies, and the three dozen desserts were sitting out on the table just begging Han to eat them. It was in his allotted hour of eating, so one brownie wouldn't hurt him at all. He grabbed the smallest one he could and joined the rest of the boys playing Mafia in the crammed living room. There was a reason it was four boys per dorm and not eight all in one. 

He ended up having to stand, too scared to sit on someone's lap and make them support his weight. But he could still enjoy the game from here - or at least attempt to. 

"It's Changbin hyung." Felix declared, leaning back on the couch into Bang Chan. "It's gotta be him." 

"What?" The rapper exclaimed, eyes wide. "You don't have any proof Lixie." 

"I don't need proof. I have a gut feeling. I know it's you, hyung. You violently murdered Jeongin, Minho, and Han. I know it was you." 

"Evidence?" Seungmin asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Intuition." Felix nodded. 

"We could play another round." Hyunjin - who had taken the role of narrator - offered. 

"But then we'll lose!" Felix exclaimed. "If he murders one more person - which it'll probably be me because I'm onto him - then there's only two people left and if they vote, and he survives, then the mafia will win!" 

"How about this." Chan chuckled, "If you get murdered this round, we'll vote Changbin." 

"I don't necessarily like being the bait. Plus, he just heard your plan. But sure, whatever." 

They closed their eyes, and another round was initiated. Han wandered mindlessly into the kitchen and grabbed another brownie. It tasted so good. He inhaled that brownie and grabbed another one without thinking before walking back into the living room to see the results. 

Seungmin had been killed off, but Felix was adamant it was Changbin still. 

"Alright, sorry, Bin." Chan shrugged. "I'll agree with Felix and vote you off." 

"No way." Hyunjin laughed. 

"I seriously wasn't the murderer though!" Changbin exclaimed, pelting the throw pillow on his lap across the room at Felix who ducked just in time for the pillow to hit Chan behind him. 

"If it wasn't you then..." Felix slowly turned around, finding his leader to be smirking down at him. "No way. It was you?! I trusted you, hyung!" 

"That was so fun to watch." Hyunjin laughed, slipping off the couch and onto Jeongin's lap on the floor. 

"Should we play another game? It's not that late yet." Jeongin asked, glancing around at the older members. 

Han shuffled back to the kitchen and grabbed another brownie... two more brownies... before he headed back to the living room as the members debated which game to play. They kept arguing - lightheartedly of course - Han kept making trips to and from the kitchen. 

They finally settled on doing some karaoke since that seemed to be the only thing anyone could agree on. 

"I'll set up the TV." Chan offered, pushing Felix off his lap. 

The younger, blonde, aussie stood up, headed into the kitchen and stared at the pan of brownies he'd made. "Holy cow, who ate literally ten brownies?" 

"What?" Seungmin asked, sitting up straighter to see over the back of the couch. 

"Yeah, someone ate a ton of brownies." Felix laughed, grabbing a broken piece and popping it in his mouth. 

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