Megaverse Pt.1 (Run Along with the Gods)

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Han's leg bounced anxiously as he sat in the urgent care center. Their manager was on the phone with some higher ups in the company, Changbin looked ready to punch a wall, and Chan was texting Felix who had flipped out when he found out that they went to the hospital. Minho was... just coming back from his x-ray. Han's eyes shot up to the door as it opened to allow the older member inside, his hand on an ice pack, pressed lightly against it by the nurse walking him inside. 

"So?" The manager quickly asked, taking his phone away from his ear for the first time since they got to the hospital. 

"I'll allow the radiologists to study the image and get back to you in just a couple minutes." The nurse answered, walking Minho to the bed and letting him set down. He didn't kick his legs up though, simply sitting on the side, his feet dangling over the floor. Han never realized how small and vulnerable Minho could look. 

"Well, it's obvious that it's broken." The manager hissed. 

"It could be dislocated." The nurse answered, her tone calm, but a slight warning behind her expression. "We need to be patient." She pet Minho's head gently and oddly enough he didn't shy away from the touch. Whatever vibes the nurse was giving off, Minho was responding perfectly. 

The nurse smiled softly at him. "Do you need anything? Water? I can administer a little more pain medicine if you'd like." 

"No. No thank you." Minho shook his head. 

The nurse nodded and looked up at the manager then over at Chan. "If he needs anything, don't hesitate to call. It's a pretty lazy afternoon here so you're not bothering anyone." 

"Thank you." Chan bowed. The woman left. Immediately the leader was up, standing in front of his injured member and resuming the light head patting the nurse had done. "You doing alright, mate? I know x-ray techs can move you around a lot. You okay?"

"Yeah, it wasn't so bad." Minho lifted his hand slightly, nudging Chan's hand. The eldest started massaging his scalp gently. "I liked the nurse. She reminds me of my aunt." 

"You're lucky they had a Korean on staff." The manager sighed, ending another phone call. "Things could have gotten messy if none of them spoke Korean to you." 

"We could translate. It's not a big deal. I'm glad you like her though." Chan shrugged, helping Minho situate the ice pack on his lap while moving his hand as little as possible. 

The gentle fussing over him made Han melt - Minho never let them fuss over him unless he was completely useless to prevent it. He's in a lot more pain than he's letting on. He should have asked that nurse for more pain relievers. Han was about to open his mouth to recommend it when the door opened and someone new came in. She looked American, Han picked out the name Stephanie on her nametag. 

"Hey, I'm the P.A. here, just got the x-rays reviewed." Stephanie said, her voice thick with an accent Han didn't know. Western? She sounded like she was from Texas. It was a friendly sound, and Han was slightly relieved. 

"That was fast." Changbin spoke up in Korean. 

"The nurse did say it's a lazy day." Chan shrugged, glancing back at the P.A. and nodding at her. "G'day." 

"Are you his translator?" Stephanie asked, pulling open her laptop which was decorated in childish stickers from Hello Kitty to Baby Shark. 

"Nah, but I can act as one." The leader answered. 

"Okay good." Stephanie nodded and clicked on the laptop a few times before turning the screen to face the rest of the boys, mostly for Minho and Chan, but their manager, Changbin and Han leaned in too. "Good news is that it's not broken." 

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